Yoga for Immunity
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity. This course helps in learning practical asana, pranayama, meditation along with detox kriya techniques.
Yoga Teachers Training
Astanga Yoga including Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga and four streams of Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Raja Yoga) are taught which includes Asana, Pranayama, Kiryas, Mudras, Bhandas, Meditation, Diet and other key techniques.
Samskara Vidya course for Students
Yoga, Surya Namaskaras, Healthy habits, Nutrition, Krida Yoga/ Memory games, Vedic Maths, Personality Development, Living with Honesty, Leadership, Meditation, Story Telling, Role Play, Spiritual Studies, Yoga Sutras, quiz, fund science
Please register your interest with location choice and course choice or Online sessions option.

Yoga For Kids
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Yoga Teachers Training 50
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Samskara Vidya Teacher Training
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

3H Family Healthy Living Course
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Healthy Cooking
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Organic Kitchen Gardening
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Nature Living
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Ayurveda Basics
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Vedic Maths For Kids
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Sanskrit Practice For Kids
Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.

Yoga practice helps to achieve holistic health. Certain practices yogic techniques will help to boost immunity.