Homeopathy Medicines

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We have completed almost 20000 family packs of homeopathy medicine Ars Alb 30 for TS police. which will be sent to 200 stations in risk zone of COVID to protect. Past 3 days over 20 volunteers helped for packing with their dedicated whole day volunteering for this. appreciate our Manavata Yoga volunteers Sivareddy, Vinod, Jyothi, Tulasi and team for their leadership.
Thanks to our Homeopathy doctors Dr. Madhuri, Dr. Veeranjaneyulu, Dr. Venkata Seshaiah, Dr. Gupta and others for their support and inputs
Thanks to Ayurveda and other holistic doctors Dr. Chakravarthy garu, Dr. Suryapraksh garu, Dr. Dattu Srinivas garu, Dr. Keshavarao garu, Datla Subbaraju garu, Bhavani garu and others for their timely inputs for the immunity boost tips for police.
For police family we have now come up with a single page pamphlet with all suggestions our doctors/experts and AYUSH inputs. This will be sent along with medicine in this first phase.
Thanks Sumathi garu for cooperation and support. thank you all for working together.
May God bless you all for your self-less service!
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu!
This helps to rise immune system of 20000 police and families..

Homeo camp at lolla

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