Kerala Flood Relief

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Kerala has been reeling under massive floods since 1924 and more than 70 have lost their lives, while over 1 lakh people have been rendered homeless and sought refuge with no sign of the rains dying down.

Boats have been deployed across the state to reach thousands of people stranded by floodwater, and fishermen had been asked to help with rescue efforts.

Officials announced the entire state was subject to a red alert Wednesday, the highest level, indicating the extent of the disaster which has forced tens of thousands of people to seek shelter in relief camps.Railway and road transport have been all but halted with railway tracks and roads submerged under water. Operations at the international airport in the city of Kochi have been suspended until Saturday due to flooding.I

It is our duty to help out as much as we can immediatly. Please think about your fellow human beings and contribute generously.

Manavata is seeking you to help raise funds for the victims in need at the right time.

Emergency Food kits: Manavata kerala team is working activitely for distribution of emergency relief food kits distribution. appreciate Anish and team who are actively assessing the situation and activing time to time to address urgent needs. Some of the worst hit areas needs medical assistance, some temporary relief like food, blankets, mats, kirosin stoves, mosquito coils, candles etc. We aim to send emergency relief to 5000 people with all the above who are stuck in water for more than a week. 

School kits: as many of the rural children have lost their school bags and books in floods, Manavata team is trying to arraing around 1000 school kits in different villages to support poor families.

It is not just about money, give heart to those victims in need.. you may contribute in different ways volunteering or donating money.

Ways to Donate :-

USA: To Donate in USD, please use the Paypal link below.

India: To donate from India / INR please use following link:

UK:  To donate in GBP, please use this link:

Note 1: All donations to Manavata are tax exampted, 501(c)(3) (USA), 80G (India), Gift aid (UK).


Manavata US Chapter:  Mukund Gorla, Vinoy or Chakri

Manavata UK chapter: Kalyan Petluru or Leena Thomas

Maanavata India: 9966673111 helpline or

Vounteer to support ground level activites :-

We greatly appreciate if you can volunteer for couple of days or couple of weeks to help people in worst impacted areas. if you can volunteer with us, please contact us immediately. we will take care of your travel and other arrangements for you to get into ground level activities.

For latest updates on relief activities please click

Thank you



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