Action taken on Mid day meal: GO in response to our petition

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Firstly congratulations to all Manavata members who have supported and worked together on for this cause of positive change in government school mid day meal (MDM) program.. 100 days relay fasting and 1000km cycling, all our efforts have not gone waste. After long waiting we have got response from government today, we have received this GO letter by post in our Hyderabad office on our mid day meal petition.  Thanks to PM office and Bihar government for this response and GO.

It exactly 1 year after we completed our cycling Patna to Delhi and handed over our petition to PM and president.

Following are the mile stones:

  • 2013 July 16th: Incident happened in Bihar school (22 children lost their lives with food poison in MDM)
  • 2013 Oct :Manavata team 100 days relay fasting protest from July to Oct 2013 and sent our petition to PM and CM of Bihar (40 volunteers)
  • 2013 Dec: Our Cycling for Humanity Patna to Delhi completed and handed over our petition 
  • 2014 Jan: PM office sent orders to Bihar director of Mid day meal
  • 2014 Nov: Director of mid day meal has responded with attached letter to education department of Bihar with most of the points we have mentioned in our 10 pages MDM report.

Hope this helps to bring a great change in MDM which can save millions of children from malnutrition issue. 

Thanks again to all volunteers, who have supported with 100 days relay fasting, signatures campaign and Patna to Delhi cycling. Every positive thought helped. 

Some more important points on nutrition also to be included as part of this order. We need to write again to them (pls revisit our petition document in this link: and let me know if you would like to mention any specific points in the our reply to Bihar government and PM).

Thanks & Regards


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