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To sum up the conference- it was a very interesting experience for me in particular since it was my first time attending it. There was a lot of representatives from different countries, and it seems (to me) that one of the most talked about topics was actually gender equality and improving education for women and children (which makes sense, considering there were many less developed countries in attendance). Agriculture was not focused on much, if any. Another topic that was brought up is immigration, as it is a big problem in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa currently. To speak frankly, however, a lot revolves around finances, so I’m not sure who really wants to do what (sometimes talk is just talk). Sometimes specific course of actions weren’t really discussed, actually (lots of general statements about “decreasing the gap between genders” or “helping educate girls”). Other times it would be something such as creating more jobs (this one said by the Ambassador of China).

 We did get to meet a lot of people (pictures attached to this email), some of whom include the PM of Norway, an Ambassador from the Congo, Ecuador representative, some other people from charity etc…

 Let me know if there’s anything specific you guys would want to hear about. Overall, it was an interesting and enlightening experience!mmexport1472736699806.jpgmmexport1472736724908.jpgmmexport1472736720219.jpg

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