Cycling for Humanity 2017 UK: Birghton
Cycling for Humanity 2017: Manavata UK volunteers inspired many young and professionals towards eco-friendly, simple and healthy living from London/Basingstoke/Reading/Amersham to Brighton! excellent support from mother nature! around 30 people from different locations involved.. Kudos to volunteers.

Well coordinated by: Jayanthi, Kalyan, Mahesh, Venkatesh, Babji, Hemanth and team. each participant spread the message of 3H and Humanity to 100s of people through this campaign with their active participation. with the inspiration some of the our team could complete challenge 135 km cycling 7 hours and more people have completed 70km, some complete 25km. Overall good motivation to team to use cycles regularly for their work and avoid cars.. everyone realized how much pollution cars are making.. keep up the good work.. Many participants expressed their happiness to be part of the event and they are committed to make positive changes like regular yoga sadhana, service/seva, making their family 3H and kids more healthy and responsible!

Key message and takeaways:Be healthy and save Environment.. buy locally, grow natural! be simple, serve all and be Happy!
Be the change that you want to see in the world!