Nepal Earthquake Victim Support

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Dear Friends,

Currently millions of people are in danger in Nepal. A huge 7.8 magnitude earthquake has hit Nepal, toppling buildings and destroying roads and infrastructure. Over 5,000 deaths have already been reported and over 50,000 people have been injured. As we get more information through, we fear these numbers will rise.

Manavata Team is already at Kathamandu, Nepal with some important items like water, Medical and sanitary. We are planning to send few trucks to Nepal in next few days, also planned to setup base camp at most worest effected area.

We need your help to bring back people of Nepal to normal ASAP after the devastating earthquake that has killed more than 10,000 people.

We want to buy cholorine tablets, non-perishable food,  blankets, tents, mats, sanitary supplies, torches, bandages, dressing pads and so forth for aid efforts.

We will be working with local people, organisations and hospitals to ensure that the aid gets to where it is needed.

Rescue and relief operations are underway both from international aid organizations and governments. However, due to the catastrophic impact of the earthquake, the people need more aid in re-building their homes and livelihood. They need support to help them cope with the grief of losing not only their homes and livelihood but most importantly the loss of their loved ones.

Manavata is appealing to you /your organizations to raise funds for the people who were devastated by the catastrophic earthquake and the money you raise to be donated the needy people in Nepal for their livelihood.

The people affected have lost everything. They need food, water, clothes and shelter – all basic needs.  Hospitals need basic medicines to treat the injured. Any help would be a ray of hope to the people of Nepal.

Please do help us to distribute the email and thank you very much for your help and support.

Donate Online now

UK Account Name   : Manavata, Account Number: 61785036  Sort Code: 403105

Yours sincerely,



April 28, 2015
August 20, 2015
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