Manavata 108 Suryanamaskar Successful
Manavata volunteers organized 108 Suryanamaskara Yogathon competition in different schools on the auspicious occasion of Radhasaptami.. Founder President of Manavata Srinivas ji conducted this online. Over 4000 students / volunteers world wide participated in this program in both online and offline.Most of the participants could complete 108 Suryanamaskaras successfully in 1 hour time. Great inspiration and energy to every participant..Srini has also explained about greatness & importance of Sun Salutaions / suryanamaskaras, which gives complete health, wisdom, stamina, strength for body, mind and intellect.Students have inspired to continue their Yoga sadhana daily without fail., this will lead them in the path of Dharma and success in their life.Manavata volunteers worked hard to organize this event. Surya, Siva, Tulasi, Kranthi, Ashok, Tirupatamma, Rajeswari, Nagalakhmi, Jayasree, Vamsi, Radha, Pushpalatha, Pardha and others.Thanks to all volunteers, teachers and students who led this wonderful team event world wide.
Best Regards
Manavata Team