Manavata Blood Donation Camp @ Cyber Gateway

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Conducted blood donation camp in Cyber towers, Hitech city, Hyderabad on 6th July 2017. Camp went on well with active participation of voluntary blood donors and team work of generous volunteers.IMG_20170706_111105.jpg Employees regestering for Blood Donation​​IMG_20170706_143412.jpgPeople from Google, Imedglobal sol india, Andhra Bank, Iconcept, ACS global tech sol, Avineon india pvt ltd, Meeami Tech, PRI IT services pvt ltd, Ecentric Solutions, Nsight, Netxcell, Whishworks, Paradigm infotech, Infovity, Galaxe sol, Magnitude, Incipio, Megasoft have contributed greatly including security staff actively participated and donated blood. Overall around 100 units are collected in this camp.IMG_20170706_110717.jpgIMG_20170706_111009.jpg Greatly appreciate the team work and support from Sri Ramji, Sri Keshav, Sri Ramakanth, Sri Rajsekhar reddy, Sri Sanjeev, Sri Anil, Vittal and other managers. Team from NIMS, Dr. Murali Krishna , Mrs.Madhavi and team from NIMS. Manavata volunteers Smt. Annapurna, Prakash, Ravikumar, Tulasi, Santosh, Prasad and others participated and worked together to make this program successful. Special thanks to Annapurna garu to making the food arrangements to Nims Staff, Manavata Volunteers.IMG_20170706_153416.jpg Ramana (Manavata Yoga Teacher) has taken a few sessions on Yoga and explained health awareness and simple therapy techniques as part of this camp. Many people have asked questions about how to handle back pain, stress relief, orthopedic problems etc. for each of them, Ramana has explained and demonstrated few techniques yoga, pranayama, Kapalabhati techniques. Team has meditated together for Universal peace!​IMG_20170706_153347.jpg

Surya Prakash Alluri, Joint Secretary of Manavata has thanked all the volunteers, staff, NIMS blood bank team and senior management of L&T, Cyber Gateway who have supported and worked together for this cause!

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