Manavata Workshops in G.Naranamma Institute of Science and Technology(for women).

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Manavata conduted a workshop in G.Narayanamma  Institute of Science and Technology with the help of Dr.P.Aparna(HOD of Humanities and Mathematics Dept.) for around 600 students in two Sessions.

Sri Srinivasa Alluri handled the whole session in his single hand, given inspirational speech, Personality Development class, talked on Healthy living and Humanity, also Yoga practice with them.

Students showed more interest and they enjoyed the workshop. After completing the session some students came on to the stage that who having stage fear and never talked infront of all with mic have shared their feelings about the session and also one girl told that she was interested to give financial support to MANAVATA when she started earning

After the session many students came forward with confidence and expressed their will towards humanity.. one student told, after the session.. I have got clarity about life.. I can say now “Life is a beautiful gift given to us by God, it is our duty to make it meaningful by our thoughts, words, deeds and serving all beings”
In the concluding and vote of thanks, Dr. Aparna, HoD, gave a wonderful messages along with list of reference books for students for regular reference. She called upon all students to take leadership towards self-less service with the inspiration of the Mr. Srini’s work along with all Manavata volunteers. IMG_20160811_120710.jpgIMG_20160811_135618.jpg
All students rejuvenated with positive messages, calmness and practice of meditation. They feel more confident now and positive about life.IMG_20160811_142015.jpgIMG_20160811_144814.jpgIMG_20160811_143956.jpg

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