3H Family Get Together with Nature for a cause

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US chapter Bay area 3H Family get together with nature for a cause! Yoga, Seva, Sadhana, Swadhya, sharing ideas for environment and health protection.. experiencing oneness, practice of harmonious living. This camp helped all families, children to learn working together, Walking together, Yoga together, eating together, mediating together with nature to lead productive & purposeful for a great cause and make progress every day with 3H and life goal. Srinivasa Alluri healthy cooking training, zero waste home, eco friendly products, growing organic / natural food, also inspire everyone to get rid of laziness, selfishness, ignorance, arrogance.. to bring harmony in every family. finally to achieve universal brotherhood / Vasudeka kutukmbam. Loka Samasta Sukhiko Bhavantu (May all beings Happy and peaceful).

Kudos to volunteers Mukund Gorla, Raghu, Chakri, Naveen Kumar Kodali, Aruna, Gayatri, Sindhu, Srikanth, Nirajakshi, Kumar, Ravi, Ramakrishna and team for making Manavata 3H family event successful with lot of inspiration..