Personality Development and MAHE Programe in Gitanjali Public School.

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Manavata conducted a Personality Development and MAHE Program  in Gitanjali Public School at Hyderabad for 5th to 9th standard students.

Sri Srinivasa Alluri started the session by wishing “Happy Rakshbandan” addressing them brothers and sisters to school students and Staff. After given a valuable speech and brought awareness on Humanity, Healthy Living, holistic self-development, mind excellence and the session ended by doing Pranayama and Meditation… appreciations to best students in the school to take 3H mission forward and help all other children in the school to improve their true education and humanity. Srini suggested to every student to be more effecient by using their time for helping others every day!

Students and staff felt pleasent and inspired towards humanity to extend help to those who are need and promised to protect environment. IMG_20160818_092235.jpgIMG_20160818_101822.jpgIMG_20160818_100255.jpg

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