- LOCATION OF THE OFFICE: Plot no.62, Sri Tower, JNTU-Hi-tech city Road, Near Hi-tech . city MMTS station, KPHB Phase VII, Hyderabad-500072
- In these Rules and Regulations unless there is anything repugnant to or inconsistent with the subject or context:-
- “Board” means the Board of Members of the Vishwa Manavata Samstha for the time being constituted as hereinafter mentioned
- The “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the Vishwa Manavata Samastha for the time being constituted as hereinafter mentioned.
- “MEMBER” means as defined under Rule 4.
- “Manavata” means Vishwa Manavata Samastha registered as Society.
- The “President”, “Vice-President”, “Secretary”, “Joint Secretary” and “Treasurer”, shall mean and include Office Bearers of the Manavata for the time being.
- The “Annual General Meeting” and “Extra-ordinary General Meeting” means such general meetings of the members of the Manavata convened and held under these Rules.
- “Resolution” means a resolution of the Vishwa Manavata Samastha or of its Executive Committee, as the case may be duly passed and adopted.
- The “Seal” means the Common Seal of the Vishwa Manavata Samastha.
- “Year” means the financial year commencing from the 1st day of April to the 31st day of March.
Membership to Manavata is open to all individuals, irrespective of their race, sex, religion, or nationality. Charitable contributions will be sought from the community at large. People making an initial contribution will be added to the list of members if they express interest in making further contributions to Manavata in the future. Manavata reserves the right to deny/revoke membership at any time. The list of members shall be updated periodically. A member who does not make any financial or other contribution in a one-year period may lose membership. Membership shall be reinstated when the person re-involves himself/herself with activities of Manavata. There are no membership dues and the list of members is kept for the purposes of informing the members of projects, activities and needs of Manavata.
Type of memberships
- General Membership: 100/- or more
- Life Member: 5000/- or more
- Organisational Membership: Other Charitable Organisations /NGOs participating in the activities of Manavata. Rs. 1000/- or more
- Corporate Membership: Companies who would like to support Manavata as part of their CSR will become corporate member. Rs. 1000/- or more
Any member who not only contributes money, but also volunteers time and energy is an Manavata Volunteer and can help start an Manavata Chapter, as well as participate in decision-making and execution.
Apart from the memberships, any person can donate any amount irrespective of any freeze on either lower or upper limit. The benefits for such donors shall be as per the policy designed by the Executive Committee.
Other Benefits for the members shall also be devised as per the policy designed by the Executive Committee.
- Termination: Members upon death of the Member, his membership shall stand terminated, however, in addition for annual members upon non-payment of annual membership. For organizational memberships, once the services were stopped in case of contribution by way of services and in case of contribution by way of money till that organization wound up or as decided by the Executive Committee of Manavata. This membership is not transferable.
- Admission of New Member is subject to the approval of such application by the Executive Committee under the following conditions:
- A person who is eligible to become a member of Manavata shall make an application in the prescribed form, addressed to the Secretary of the Manavata along with an Admission Fee. Based on the amount of fee, the membership is conferred upon the new incumbent
- A person who is eligible to become member based on volunteering shall be as per the policy designed by the Executive Committee.
- The New Membership will be at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee and to the satisfaction of the applicant’s eligibility. Such decision will be final and cannot be reconsidered by the Executive Committee for 6 months.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October every year at such time and such place as the Executive Committee may determine.
- The Annual Report, Audited Accounts, Balance Sheet, which the meeting proposes to consider shall be dispatched/made available to all members of the Manavata entitled to vote at least TWENTY ONE Clear days prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting, at the office of the Manavata.
- Every matter or proposal brought forward before the meeting for consideration will be decided by a simple majority of the members present at such meeting and the decision of the Chairman of the meeting as to whether a resolution has been passed or lost shall be final.
- Besides the Annual General Meetings as aforesaid all the General Meetings shall be known as Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) and such meetings shall be convened by the Executive Committee as and when it thinks necessary or on a requisition of 25% of the members of the Manavata entitled to vote. Such requisitions shall be addressed to the President/Secretary and shall specify the purpose for which the meeting is to be called and at such a meeting, no subject shall be discussed other than the one for which the meeting is convened.
- In case President/Secretary fails to convene such meeting within a fortnight after the service of the requisition, it will be deemed as rejection by default of such request. Then, the requisitionists may themselves call for the meeting for those purposes only to be held at the office of the Manavata or any other place as may be mentioned in the notice within one month after rejection of such request. Any decision duly arrived at any such meeting will be regarded as the decision of the General Meeting.
- Every matter or proposal brought forward before the Extra Ordinary General Meeting for consideration will be decided by a simple majority of the members present at such meeting unless otherwise specified in the constitution and Rules and Regulations of the Manavata and the decision of the Chairman of the Meeting as to whether a resolution has been passed or lost shall be final.
- In all meetings, the President and in his absence the Secretary and in the absence of the both, one of the members present at the meeting will be elected as Chairman of the meeting.
- At least TWENTY ONE clear days notice in case of Annual General Meeting and twenty one clear days notice in case of Extra Ordinary General Meeting specifying the place, days, hour and agenda of the meeting shall be given to all members of Manavata at their registered addresses with the Manavata. The accidental omission to give any such notice to any member or the non-receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed at any such meetings.
- In case of Emergency, the Extra Ordinary General Meeting can be called with 24 Hours Notice and can be called even with shorter notice, if the situation warrants for the same.
- QUORUM: 1/4 of the total members for General Body meeting and 1/2 for Executive Committee meeting.
- Proxy: All the members are entitled to appoint the proxy in case of any emergency.
- Due to lack of quorum the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting or an Extra Ordinary General Meeting may with the consent of the members present, adjourn the same from time to time and from place to place but only the business which could not be transferred at the last meeting shall be transferred and transacted at the subsequent meeting. At the subsequent meeting the requirement of quorum need not be considered.
- Every question submitted to a General Meeting shall be decided by simple majority in the first instance by a show of hands, but before that a poll may be demanded by the Chairman or by at least four members present. If poll is demanded as aforesaid, it shall be taken by ballot or on slips of papers, which shall be sealed and preserved after counting, for at least SIX months, and in case of equality of votes in any case, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. However, on all subjects pertaining to the Financial, Reserves, Corpus, Basic Features and Structure of constitution of the Manavataetc., will be decided by 3/4th majority of the members present.
- The Executive Committee shall provide for the minutes of the proceedings whether of General Meeting or Meetings of the Executive Committee to be recorded in books provided for the purpose and it shall be the duty of the Registrar to see that the minutes are duly recorded signed and carried out.
- To receive, pass or amend the Annual Report, the Audited Statement of Account and Balance Sheet for the previous year submitted by the Executive Committee.
- To elect and/or ratify co-option of the members of the Executive Committee in place of those who ceased to hold office.
- To transact such other business as may be placed on the agenda of the meeting by the Executive Committee.
- To consider any motion of which due notice shall have been given by any member or members of the Manavata entitled to vote by signing such a notice in writing and depositing or sending it to the Registrar, so as to reach him at least seven days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- However, if any such matter has been considered by the executive committee and rejected, then the general meeting can decide with 3/4th of the total members present.
- To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration, if any.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of 7 (Seven) Members including the Office bearers of the Manavata. The number of the Executive members may however be increased by the General Meeting. All members of the Executive Committee shall be honorary and shall have the voting rights.
- The members of the Manavata shall elect for 5 years its members as Office bearers and Executive Committee members and the office bearers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer with statutory RULE of ONE PERSON ONE POST.
- The first Executive Committee is as per annexure. The members and the Office bearers shall retire at the conclusion of the first Annual General Meeting held after adoption of these rules. A new Executive Committee will be elected thereof. Thereafter, each Executive Committee shall have a term of Five years.
- The Executive Committee may with the approval of any General Meeting add to and/or alter the number and designation of the office bearers.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in a month on every Second Sunday or as often necessary to conduct the affairs of the Manavata until otherwise determined. THREE members shall form quorum.
- The Secretary, may whenever he/she thinks fit but shall forthwith upon a request in writing by at least 1/3 rd members of the Executive Committee, convenes a meeting of the Executive Committee. In case the Secretary fails to convene such meeting within seven days from the receipt of written request may themselves convene the meeting to be held within a week thereafter at the office of the Manavata or at such other address as may be mentioned in the notice of such meeting.
- The Secretary may at any time with the approval of and/or at the direction of the Chairman call an Emergency Meeting of the Executive Committee to transact urgent business, but with at least 24 hours prior notice to its members.
- At least SEVEN days notice specifying the day, hour, venue and the agenda of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be given to all its members.
- At all meetings of the Executive Committee, the President shall take the Chair and in his absence, the Vice President and in the absence of both of them, a Chairman shall be elected from amongst the members present.
- Every question at a meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and every member having one vote. In case of tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote
- Without in any way prejudicing or limiting the extent of such General Powers or other powers conferred by these Rules and Regulations, the Executive Committee shall have the following power and duties, that is to say:
- Subject to the provisions of any statutory enactment and of the Rules and Regulations of the Manavata all affairs shall be managed, conducted and controlled by or under the Authority of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have functional control over all the moveable and immovable properties of the Manavata.
- The Executive Committee shall in addition to the rights and powers conferred upon it by the provisions of these presents, exercise such powers and such lawful acts for the benefit of the Manavata, as they are not prohibited in these Rules and Regulations, and as may be amended from time to time.
- To make such regulations and bye-laws as they think fit for convening, holding and conducting meetings in a proper manner of the members of the Manavata as also of the members of the Executive Committee.
- To make, vary and amend bye-laws for the regulations of the business of the Manavata and for the purpose of determining the rights and duties of its officers and servants.
- To appoint Sub-Committee and its Office bearers whomsoever necessary for the attainment of the objects of the Manavata for such special business of the Manavata as may be from time to time be taken up by the Manavata and to do all such acts and things as may be thought necessary for the regulation of the business of such Sub-Committees. The Chairman of such Sub-Committees will be the invitee to the Executive Committee meetings.
- To open and operate account with Bank or Banks in the name of the Manavata.
- To purchase, construct or otherwise acquire for the Manavata any land and/or building and to sell, exchange or otherwise dispose off any property, rights or privileges which the Manavata is authorised to acquire for such consideration and at such price and generally on such terms and conditions as may be considered fit and proper in the interest of the Manavata.
- To take on lease for business of the Manavata any house or premises or any part thereof and also to let out any property of the Manavata for such consideration and such terms and conditions as the Executive Committee may think fit, provided that no lease shall be given or taken for a period exceeding TWO years without the permission of the Manavata at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting.
- To invest and deal with any of the monies of the Manavata not immediately required for the purposes thereof, upon such securities as specified under the various statutes or any relevant rules for the time being, and in such manner as they may think fit and from time to time vary or realise such investment.
- To authorise one or more Office bearers of the Manavata to affix the Common Seal or to sign or register all or any deeds and documents in the name and on behalf of the Manavata for any of the purpose thereof.
- To appoint, suspend, fine, dismiss any employee and to sanction his/her salaries, allowances, gratuities, leave and other privileges, as may be from time to time considered necessary.
- To make, draw, accept, endorse, discount and negotiate cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments.
- To consider before its retirement the Annual Report, the Audited Statement of Accounts and the Balance Sheet, if any.
- To consider any other matter including matters from individual member or members to be brought up before the Annual General Meeting of the Manavata.
- To declare, if thought fit, by a resolution passed by at least 3/4 th of the majority of the members present and not below 2/3 rd of the Executive Committee members having voting rights, whichever is higher, that a member of the Executive Committee has ceased to be such member on account of his failure to attend THREE CONSECUTIVE meetings of the Executive Committee without leave of absence.
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be duty bound to attest the signatures of all the members of newly elected Executive Committee.
- To appoint a Lawyer, advocate, Power of Attorney, Executor etc., and file or defend cases in civil or criminal proceedings, it is also authorized to levy fines, compound violations concede suits.
- The powers of the Executive Committee are subject to the overall supervision of the Manavata and ratification of the same by the General Body Meeting of the Manavata of members.
- The Registrar may circulate among the members of the Executive Committee any matter for decision by the Executive Committee. A decision arrived at by circulation shall be considered to be a valid decision of the Executive Committee, if it is agreed to by at least four members of the Executive Committee or by such number of members as shall constitute a requisite majority, for the passage of the decision, of the total strength for the time being of the Executive Committee, whichever is higher.
- If any member of the Executive Committee absents himself from three consecutive meetings, without any reasonable cause, the Executive Committee may treat his / her membership to the Committee as vacated and co-opt another member of the Manavata for the rest of the term having all rights & privileges as that of the vacated members position.
- All casual vacancies in the Executive Committee may be filled up by the Executive Committee and the persons so elected shall hold office up to the rest of the term.
- The duties of the Office bearers in addition to the duties usually associated with the office concerned to and the duties stated elsewhere in these Rules and Regulations shall be:
- To preside over all the meetings of the Manavata and of the Executive Committee, at which he is present.
- To supervise the functions and business of the Manavata in accordance with the constitution and Rules and Regulations.
- To interpret the Rules and Regulations and to decide point of order.
- To do all such other acts incidental thereto or as may be necessary or specifically entrusted to him by the Executive Committee.
- Subject to the control of the Executive Committee to appoint, remove and suspend paid officers, clerks and servants of the Manavata, fix their salaries and duties, control and supervise their work.
- To raise, collect and receive contributions, donations, subscriptions, gifts or legacies on behalf of the Manavata and to hand over the same to the treasurer and to grant provisional receipts.
- To receive and to realise all monies, rents, issues, properties, interest, dividends or any other claim or demand due to the Manavata on any account whatsoever form any person, firm or body corporate and to issue and grant receipts or other valid discharges signed by the treasurer for the same.
- To keep in the safe custody the seal of the Manavata and to affix the same on the all documents to be executed by him in the name and on behalf of the Manavata for any purpose as authorised by the Executive Committee.
- To enter into all such negotiations, agreements and contracts and rescind and vary all such agreements and contracts and execute the same and do all such acts, deeds and things in the name and on behalf of the Manavata as he may consider expedient and necessary for the purpose of the Manavata subject to the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
- To sign vouchers, to see that the expenditure is incurred with the proper sanction, to carry on correspondence and generally to represent the Manavata before the public except where a representative has been appointed for a particular purpose by the Executive Committee or by a General Meeting
- To convene meetings of the Executive Committee when he considers necessary or when he is directed to do so by the Chairman or requested by at least THREE members of the Executive Committee and to carry out the instructions of the Executive Committee.
- To ensure that proper conducting of social gatherings, or any other function under the auspices of the Manavata in any manner whatsoever.
- To prepare Budget for the year and to lay the same before the Executive Committee.
- To pass all bills for salary disbursement and recurring charges and to spend up to the limit of Rs.10,000/- without the previous sanction of the Executive Committee.
- And generally to do all such acts and matters as may be necessary and beneficial for the proper management of the affairs of the Manavata.
- To keep in safe custody the monies received by and/or belonging to the Manavata.
- To keep with him a sum of not more than Rs.5,000/- for necessary expenditure and to deposit the surplus in the any Bank in the fixed deposit form or invest the same otherwise, as directed by the Executive Committee.
- To open account both current and fixed in such Bank or Banks, as may be approved by the Executive Committee. Such account shall be opened in the name of the Manavata and shall be operated upon under the Joint Signatures of any two of the Office bearers of the Manavata. In the event of the disability of any one or more of them, the Executive Committee shall appoint a substitute or substitutes as the case may be for the purpose of operating upon the Bank Account of the Manavata.
- To keep a clear and correct amount of all incomes and expenditures of the Manavata and to get the annual account audited by the Auditor.
- To make payments of all bills and vouchers duly passed by the Registrar for payment, and whenever such payments require approval of the Executive Committee, to see that the same are duly approved by the Executive Committee.
- To keep under the safe custody all deeds, documents, Hundies, Promissory Notes, Stamps, Cheques and other valuables of the Manavata.
- To prepare the monthly statement of Accounts and to place them before the Executive Committee.
- To assist the Registrar in realising subscriptions, contributions, donations, endowments, etc.
- The Executive Committee shall maintain true and proper books of accounts in respect of:
- All sums of money received and spent by the Manavata.
- All properties, assets and liabilities of the Manavata.
- The Books of Accounts shall be kept at the office of the Manavata or with the Treasurer with prior permission from the Registrar for a reasonable period.
- The Executive Committee shall within One month after the expiry of every Financial Year prepare or cause to be prepared the Income & Expenditure Account and the Balance Sheet of the Manavata for the past Financial Year and get it duly audited by an Auditor and shall lay the same for its approvals at the Annual General Meeting.
- The names for the members of the Executive Committee and the Office Bearers shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member and the person whose name is proposed shall give his consent for the same. (Only PRIME, PATRON & LIFE MEMBERS will be eligible to contest the election).
- The out-going members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to re-election unless specifically restricted otherwise
- The election of the members of the Committee and the office bearers shall be determined by simple majority of votes of the members of the Manavata taken by a show of hands or if poll is demanded, it shall be taken by either secret ballot or preferential voting ballot.
- If after the election, there remains any vacancy or vacancies, either for want of nomination or otherwise, & if the ex-officio office bearers & executive committee members are not available, the vacancy or vacancies, would be filled up by the elected members of the Committee.
- At every Annual General Meeting of the Manavata an Auditor shall be appointed for the coming year on such terms and for such remuneration, if any, as the meeting may decide. The Auditor shall audit the accounts of the Manavata and submit the report from time to time as directed by the Executive Committee. First Auditors shall be appointed by the Executive Committee shall fix their remuneration, if any. Further, written consent of the proposed Auditors shall be received at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting and the same shall be kept ready at venue of the Annual General Meeting.
- The Auditor shall have at all reasonable times access to the Books of Account of the Manavata and he may, in relation thereto examine any member of the Executive Committee, or any staff of the Manavata.
- If during the tenure of the office of the Auditor, he is unable to discharge his duties or resigns; the executive committee may fill in the vacancy by appointment of another suitable Auditor.
- The funds shall be spent only for the attainment of the objects of the Manavata and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any members through any means.
- It shall be lawful for the Manavata from time to time to amend, vary, alter, modify or repeal any of these rules, regulations and bye-laws or frame rules or bye-laws and to substitute other rules and regulations in lieu thereof which may not be repugnant to the provisions of any statute, by the votes of two-third of members on the Register or three-fourth of members present, whichever is more, at a General Meeting duly convened for the purpose, due notice of which shall be sent to all the members
- Nothing in these rules and regulations shall prevent the Executive Committee from making amendment and altering any bye-laws not at variance with any of the rules and regulations of the Manavata.
- The Secretary for the time being or any other person or persons specially authorised by the Executive Committee through a simple majority shall sign all deeds, documents, contracts and papers on behalf of the Manavata.
- All suits Manavata by or on behalf of the Manavata shall be Manavata in the name of the Registrar for the time being thereof or of any other person or persons specially authorised by the Executive Committee and in all suits brought against the Manavata, the said Registrar or such other person or persons so authorised as aforesaid shall represent the Manavata.
- Nothing in these rules and regulations shall prevent the Executive Committee from making amendment and altering any bye-laws not at variance with any of the rules and regulations of the Manavata.
- A member of the Executive Committee and other officers for the time being of the Manavata and every one of them and every one of their heirs, executors and administrators shall be indemnified and saved harmless out of the assets and income of the Manavata for against all actions, costs, losses, charges, damages and expenses which they or any of their heirs, executors or administrators shall or may incur or sustain or by reason of any act done or permitted to be done in or about the execution of their duty or supposed duty in their respective offices (an act of negligence or willful default excluded) and none of them shall be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of other or others of them or for joining in any receipts for the sake of conformity or for loss or damage arising from the insolvency or tortuous acts of any of the Bankers, agents or other person with whom any money or effect belonging to the Manavata shall be placed or invested or for any other loss, misfortune or damages which may happen in the execution or their respective office or trust or in relations thereto except the same shall happen by or through their own willful neglect or default.
- The income and property of the Manavata shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Manavata. If any donor limits his donations or contribution to the attainment of a particular object or objects and if the same is accepted by the Executive Committee under such conditions, such donation or contribution shall be spent towards the promotion of that particular object or objects only.
ప్రధానాశయములు Main Objectives
ప్రకృతిపరమైనవి Relating To Nature
(ప్రత్యక్షముగగాని, పరోక్షముగగాని జీవుని ఇంద్రియగ్రాహ్యమగు విశ్వమే ప్రకృతి)
(The universe perceived by senses of a living being directly or indirectly is nature)
అవి They are:
- అరణ్యమునకు ఆనుకొనియున్న అనుకూలస్థలమును (సాధ్యమైనచో 10 హెక్టేర్లుగాని అంతకంటె ఎక్కువగాని) ఆశ్రమము కొఱకు సేకరించుట To acquire suitable land, (as far as possible 10 hectares or more,) adjacent to a forest for the ashram,
- వీలైనంతసహజముగ దానిని అరణ్యముగ పెరుగనిచ్చుట To allow it to grow into a forest as naturally as possible,
- సాధ్యమైనచో వీలైనన్ని ఎక్కువ దేశములలో అటువంటి ఆశ్రమములను వీలైనన్ని ఎక్కువ ప్రారంభించుట, To start, if possible, as many such Ashrams as possible in as many countries as possible,
- అంచెలంచెలుగ ప్రకృతిమాత ఒడిలోనికి తిరిగి చేరవలసిన అవసరమును మానవజాతి గుర్తించునట్లు చేయుట To make the human race realize the need to go back to the lap of mother-nature step by step,
- ప్రకృతిని వివరించు ఖగోళ, భూగోళ, భౌతిక, రసాయనికాది శాస్త్రముల అధ్యయన అధ్యాపనములను చేయుట, To teach and learn sciences like astronomy, geology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc that describe nature.
- వాతావరణ కాలుష్యమును తగ్గించుట ద్వారా విర్జీవ ప్రపంచమునకు కూడ లబ్ధిని కలిగించుట. To benefit the non-living world by reducing the environmental pollution.
(మానవులు తిరిగి ప్రకృతి మాత ఒడిలోనికి చేరిననేతప్ప ప్రకృతిమాత తన వాతావరణ కాలుష్యమును, పర్యావరణ అసమ తూకమును సరిచేసికొన లేదని మానవ జాతి గుర్తించు నట్లు చేయుటయే పై ఆశయముల సారాంశము. The essence of the above objectives is to make the human race realize that unless the human beings go back to the lap of mother-nature step by step, mother-nature cannot correct its environmental pollution and ecological imbalance.)
జీవపరమైనవి Relating To Life
(శరీరమునకు చైతన్యమునిచ్చునది జీవము, జీవజాతులలో మానవజాతి యొకటి, Life is that which gives CHAITANYA to body. Human race is one of the races of living beings.)
అవి They are:
- ఆశ్రమమునందలి ఇతర జీవజాతులతో ప్రశాంతముగను,సహజముగను జీవించుటను నేర్చుకొనుట To learn living naturally and peacefully along with the other races of living beings in the Ashram,
- ఆశ్రమమునందు సహజముగ పెరుగు అన్ని జీవులను పెరుగనిచ్చుట To allow all the living-beings grow, that naturally grow in the Ashram area.
- ఆశ్రమవాసులకు తగినంత ఆహారమును సరఫరా చేయగల అన్నిమొక్కలను వృక్షములను వీలైనంత సహజముగ పెంచుట To grow all the plants and trees as naturally as possible that can provide enough natural food for the Ashram dwellers,
- ఆరోగ్యసమస్యలను పరిష్కరించగల అన్ని ఓషధీభూజములను వీలైనంతసహజముగ పెంచుట To grow all the medicinal plants also as naturally as possible that can solve health problems,
- ఆసక్తి పరులకు సహజజీవనమునందు శిక్షణను ఇచ్చుట To train the interested in natural living,
- దైహికారోగ్యమును పెంచుటకు సహజ జీవనము అత్యుత్తమమైనదని మానవులు గుర్తించునట్లు చేయుట. To make the human beings realize that natural living can be the best for improving physical health.
- ప్రకృతి జీవులను వివరించు వృక్ష, జంతు, మానవ శరీరధర్మశాస్త్రాది జీవ శాస్త్రముల అధ్యయన అధ్యాపనములను చేయుట, To learn and teach biological sciences like botany, zoology, human physiology, etc that describe nature.
శాశ్వతసత్యపరమైనవి Relating To Eternal Truth
(ఇంద్రియగ్రాహ్యపరిథిలోనున్ననులేకపోయినను సార్వకాలీనకమైన సత్యములు శాశ్వతసత్యములు Eternal truths are all time truths that may be within or beyond the reach of the senses.)
- ఆస్తికనాస్తిక ఋషులచే దర్శించబడి బోధించబడిన శాశ్వతసత్యములను సేకరించుట, ప్రచారము చేయుటTo collect and propagate eternal truths realized and taught by theistic and atheistic saints,
- ఋషికృతములైన గ్రంధములను సేకరించుట మఱియు వాని అధ్యయన, అధ్యాపనములను చేయుట. To collect books written by saints, and to learn and teach them,
యోగపరమైనవి Relating to Yoga
(చిత్తవృత్తి నిరోధము యోగము, Yoga is CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHA)
అవి They are:
- పతంజలియోగశాస్త్రాధ్యయనాధ్యాపనములను చేయుట.To learn and teach PATANJALI YOGA SASTRA,
- ఇతర యోగవిధానములనుండి నిరూపిత సత్యాంశములను స్వీకరించుటTo receive proved facts from other yoga systems,
- యోగాభ్యాసము ద్వారా ఆరోగ్యమును పెంచుకొని ఇంద్రియ నియంత్రణను సాధించుట. To improve health and achieve control of senses practicing Yoga.
- సాధనను కొనసాగించి చిత్తవృత్తి నిరోధమను సిద్ధిని పొందుట. To get the achievement of CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHA continuing the practice of Yoga,
- దైహికారోగ్యమును పెంచుటకే కాక మానసిక ఆరోగ్యమును పెంచుటకు కూడ సహజజీవనమే అత్యుత్తమమైనదని మానవులు తెలిసికొనునట్లు చేయుట To make the human beings realize that the natural living can be the best not only in improving physical health but also in improving mental
ఋషిత్వపరమైనవి Relating to Saintliness
(ఋషులు శాశ్వత సత్యదర్శకులు. Saints are those that realized Eternal truth.)
అవి They are:
- ఆశ్రమ సాధకులు ఋషులుగ రూపొందుటకు తగిన వాతావరణమును కల్పించుట To create suitable atmosphere for the Ashram practitioners to become saints,
- దైహికమానసికారోగ్యములను పెంచుటకే కాక ,ఆధ్యాత్మికాభివృద్ధిని పెంచుటకు కూడ సహజజీవనమే అత్యుత్తమమైనదని మానవులు తెలిసికొనునట్లు చేయుట To make the human beings realize that the natural living can be the best not only in improving physical and mental health but also in improving spiritual development.
- తీవ్ర యోగ సాధన ద్వారా ఋషిత్వమును సాధించుట. To achieve saintliness through intensive practice of Yoga,
ఉపాశయములు Sub Objectives
సంఘపరమైనవి Social
అవి They are:
- ప్రధానాశయసిద్ధినిమిత్తము అధ్యయనాధ్యాపనవిభాగములను ప్రారంభించుట (ఆరోగ్యసాధనావిభాగము, యోగసాధనావిభాగము, ఋషిత్వసాధనావిభాగము, మొదలైనవి) To start divisions for teaching and learning useful subjects for the achievement of main objectives, (Health Practice Division, Yoga Practice Division, Saintliness Practice Division, etc)
- సహజ పద్ధతుల ధ్వారా భౌతిక, మానసిక ఆరోగ్యములను ఎట్లు పొందవలయునో శిక్షణను ఇచ్చుట.To train how to get physical and mental health using natural methods,
- ఆశ్రమ వాసులకు సహజ జీవనమునందు శిక్షణను ఇచ్చుట. To train the ashram dwellers in natural living,
- ఆశ్రమ ఆశయములపైనను సంబంధిత ఇతర విషయము లపైనను గ్రంథములను రచించుట, ప్రచురించుట. To write and publish books on the objectives of the ashram and on subjects related to them,
- సదస్సులు, ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరములు, లభ్యమగు అన్ని సంచారమార్గములు, సమావేశములు మొదలగు వాని ద్వారా సామాన్యప్రజానీకమునకు ఆశ్రమ ఆశయములను బోధించుట. To educate the public on ashram objectives through seminars, correspondence, all available communication methods, meetings, etc,
- కృత్రిమజీవనముచే ఆకర్షింపబడకుండగను, ఇంకనూ సహజముగ జీవించుటకును గిరిజనప్రజలను ప్రోత్సహించుట, To encourage tribal people to live more naturally and not to be attracted by artificial living,
- ఒకడు/ఒకతె తానెంత ఎక్కువ సహజముగ జీవించునో, తాను అంత ఎక్కువగ అన్నిజీవులు సహజముగ జీవించుటకు సహకరించుచున్నట్లు అను యదార్థమును ప్రచారము చేయుట,To propagate the fact that the more naturally one lives, the more that-one helps all beings to live naturally,
- సంసూచనలకు అవసర మగు తెలుగు, సంస్కృతము, హిందీ, ఆంగ్లము, మాండరిన్, స్పానిష్, మొదలైన భాషల అధ్యయన అధ్యాపనములు చేయుట, To teach and learn languages like Telugu, Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Mandarin, Spanish, etc that are necessary for communication.
- ఒక గ్రంధాలయమును స్థాపించుట. To establish a library,
ధర్మపరమైనవి Charitable
అవి They are:
- ఆశ్రమమునందు వీలైనంత ఎక్కువమంది అనాధలకు, అంగవికలురకు, వృద్ధులకు సహజాహారమును, వసతిని, దుస్తులను ఏర్పాటు చేయుట,To provide natural food, shelter, and clothing for as many orphans, handicapped and old people in the Ashram,
- ఆశ్రమవాసులలో ఎవరెవరికి సహజాహారమును, దుస్తులను, వసతులను ఆశ్రమము కల్పించగలదో ఆయా ఆశ్రమ వాసుల ఆర్థిక పరిస్థితులపైనను,ఆశ్రమమునందుత్పత్తియగుచున్న సహజాహార పరిమాణము పైనను ఆశ్రమము యొక్క ఆర్థిక బలము పైనను ఆధార పడి మార్గదర్శి నిర్ణయించును. MARGADARSI shall decide which of the Ashram dwellers can be provided with natural food, clothing, and shelter depending on the financial status of the Ashram dwellers, the amount of natural food produced in the Ashram, and the financial status of the Ashram.
- ప్రకృతిమాత ఒడిలోనికి మానవ జాతి తిరిగి చేరుటకు సహకరించగల ఉచితవిద్యను ఆశ్రమమునందు ఏర్పాటు చేయుట, To provide free education in the Ashram that helps human race to get back to the lap of mother-nature,
నిధుల ఆస్థులపరమైనవి Relating To Properties and Funds
- తీర్మానకర్త మరియు అధికార పత్రరచయిత చేత ఆశ్రమమునకు బదిలీ చేయబడినట్టి ముందుగ చెప్పబడిన వేయి రూపాయల మొత్తము ఆశ్రమమునకు ముఖ్యభాగమగును. The said sum of one thousand rupees (Rs 1000) made over to the Ashram by the author and settler shall form the nucleus of the Ashram fund.
- అయినను ఆశ్రమ విషయమగుట వలన,వానిని ఏకారణమును నియతము చేయకుండగనే, వానిని అంగీకరించుట గాని, నిరాకరించుట గాని సమితి యొక్క ప్రాధికారము లోనిది, మరియు చట్ట సమ్మతమగుటచే అందుకులోబడి అటువంటి అన్ని విరాళములు, దేయములు, మార్పులు, జమలు, చేర్పులు, వృద్ధులు, వడ్డీలు, లాభాంశములు, అనురిక్తములు, మొదలైన ధనములును, ఆస్థులును, ఆశ్రమము యొక్క నిధికిని, ఆస్థికిని భాగ మగును. . All such donations, contributions, conversions, accretions, additions, accumulations, and the interests, dividends, legacies, etc of money and properties shall form part of the Ashram fund and property, being the subject matter of the Ashram, provided however it shall always be lawful and within the authority of the board in their absolute discretion to accept or refuse the same without assigning any reason for such refusal.
- ఒక దాత తాను నిర్ణయించిన పేరు మీదుగా తన దానము పిలువ బడవలయునని కోరిన యడల సమితి ఆప్రతిపాదనను అంగీకరించవచ్చును. If a donor desires that his donation may be named after a name specified by him the board may accept the proposal.