Special Manavata Events (Health camps, Ashram meetings, Cycling)

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A big thanks to all volunteers for working together on the mission and helping several who are in need.

FYI: Brief update: I thought it is better to share this with you before I forget, so that you can include in news letter. rest of the details will be sent soon.

Health camp in Hyderabad Ashram: Homeopathy by Dr. Vamis, Rakesh/ Venkat and team organized bookstall to spread knowledge, yoga by Bhanu and Srisailam. 

Mr. Govindaraju took special Maths session for children like he does every week. Children also have started volunteering and helping each other. Rakesh and Govindraju garu also felt happy with this positive change. 

Happy Birthday to Prakash and appreciate his volunteering work.

Health Camp and doctors meeting in Lolla Ashram:

Morning Yoga camp and special health awareness camp by Srini

A volunteer called Subrahmyam went from here to Singarayakonda ashram for full time role there to take care of ashram. Kalyan will receive him tomorrow.

Homeopathy camp with Dr. Raghavarao, Dr. Anjaneyulu, Dr. Srinivas, Satyanarayana, Nukaraju, Subbaraju, Anini, Veerabhadrarao and other ashram volunteers could serve around 250 patients today. 

we have a very productive planning meeting with doctors from different Manavata rural health centers to make treatment more effective with best practices. streamlined number processes. Srini has presented Manavata’s latest goals and Health centers objectives and requested everyone to work towards empowering people towards our 3H mission. everyone motivated to give more time and follow appropriate processes. 

Plants and books in today’s stall: volunteers display them during camp time , which helped to create awareness and made plantation drive bit more simplified with decentralized approach.

Children meeting: I have discussed with children about importance of students / youth  to follow brahmacharya and practice self-control to really gain knowledge and build personality. warned all our youth in ashram to be very careful and not to confuse with out side world. Sorted number of key issues which they  care currently facing schools and weakness in understanding their subjects. I requested, from now everyone should work self-lessly towards Manavata mission irrespective to age as  volunteers. Govindaraju also requested everyone to spend their holidays to cover their subjects, he is going to take special sessions. I have asked everyone to be self-reliant, 

Kolatam training at Lolla ashram: Sivare ddy gave Kolatam training to ashram children as Sunday special in ashram. everyone enjoyed, they are picking up very quickly.

Health Camp in Rachapalli

Ramakrishna and Kamaraju did today’s camp. details soon from Varma

Cycling for humanity event from Bangalore to Madanapalli

Prasad, Kapil and team with around 16 people participated in this. it was nice camp. Prasad garu. and Kapil will send the complete report.

Update from Burrakayalakota, School’s success: 

Mahesh’s friend Pavan updated about his village schools. it is great to see such a wonderful progress that their govt. schools students own 1st prize in Science experiments both state-level and district level. going for nation level. This is great spirit and inspiration given by both of them to their school children for past 3 years with their dedicated work. Pavan is planning Manavata note books distribution some time soon in both schools like they do every year. Nation level they are looking for some professor’s help to take some advises in Bio energy. let me know if you know anyone.

UK: thanks to UK team for their commitment towards MAHE / value based education, yoga and other Manavata activities regularly.

Srini Manavata

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