Let us Care for those who Protect us: Our Police

13th April: Manavata Virtual OP update: Thanks to all doctors, counsellors and volunteers for today’s timely actions and help. 3 critical cases got timely help with right time actions.. Real life saving.
Special thanks to Bhavani, Tulasi, Dr. Suryaprakash garu, Sumathi garu for timely actions on these critical cases.
Summary: so far we have reached 89 people. More than 80% are eating healthy food either from home or provided by department. They don’t have any physical health issues. Following standard precautionary measures.
90% of the people are feeling proud of their duty. Very few had health issues in family. They were advised to call the helpline numbers.
20% expressed risk with Covid19
Work stress: 3% are stressed. 55% are fine. The remaining are moderately or at times stressed.
let us continue the momentum. Thanks for resending helpline messages to all Telangana police again today by Sumathi garu, Srinath garu and DGP Telangana team.
AP Police has confirmed that they will start using our Medical / health consulting services from tomorrow for all state police.
Kudos to Manavata volunteers for making wonderful impact with COVID food distribution, masks preparation, Yoga for immunity / family works are going well with the active initiatives time to time.
Food for needy: Manavata COVID19 Emergency relief kits an example for real healthy kit. This includes home remedies, kitchen treatment and virus preventive care food items.