Yoga for Health

Manavata courses are designed for different age groups and organized in multiple locations apart from online sessions. Courses are mainly categorized as: Yoga for Health, Yoga & Spirituality, Yoga for total Personality development & Yoga Therapy for cure. Manavata free yoga sessions by its volunteers who are well trained teacher & practitioners are being run in different locations. You may contact us by email if you would like to have sessions for their organisation, community and society. To join courses,register yourself in following link:

We are offering the following courses

  • Yoga for Health
  • Pranayama workshop
  • Meditation
  • Healthy Living Course
  • Better parenting: Parents workshops
  • Best Teachers: Special Training for school teachers
  • Personality Development for Youth
  • Leadership Development Program for Executives
  • Youth Leadership Training
  • MAHE for schools

Contact us for course admissions and further details on or 9966673111


The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’ meaning to bind,join,attach and yoke,to direct and concentrate one’s attention on,to use and apply.It also means union or communion.It is the true union of our will with of God.Yoga is one of the six orthodox  systems of indian philosophy.It was collated,co-ordinate and systematized by Patanjali in his classical work,the yoga sutras,which consists of 196 terse aphorisms.In indian thought,everything is permeated by the Supreme Universal Spirit of which the individual human spirit is a part.The system of yoga is so called because it teaches the means by which the jivatma can be united to,or be in communion with the Paramatma,and so secure liberation(moksa).One who follows the path of yoga is a yogi or yogic.


Aim of yoga is to gain balance and control in life to free oneself confusion and distress to provide a sense of calm that comes from practice of yogic asanas and pranayama of the breathing.Yogic asanas aims at overcoming limitations of the body.Pranayama starts with breathing practice and leads towards control of prana or the life force.It helps to develop the life awareness.It strengthens the bones,muscles, correct the posters improve the breathing and increases the energy.

Yoga improves posture,increases the intake of oxygen and enhances the functioning of all body systems, including respiratory, digestive, endocrine, reproductive and excretory system

Astanga Yoga

Patanjali Marshi has articulated Yoga principles very well in his Yoga Sutras and defined Astanga Yoga principles as follows:

   For practice of Yoga one must follow Yama, Niyamas, which is core for progressing in Sadhana.

Yoga is mastery over the mind

“YogasChittavrithi nirodaha:” Patanjali Yoga Sutras 1.2: Yoga is gaining control of mind or mastery over mind. By controlling the mind we reach our original state. Control involves two aspects:

1. A power to concentrate on any desired subject or object and

2. A capacity to remain calm and quiet at all the time.

Nature of mind is always volatile with so many thoughts, which makes one happy some time and unhappy other time. Practice of Yoga, makes one to get control of thoughts and helps to achieve mastery over mind stuff/ Chitta. When you are able to achieve this state, mind will be calm and keeps one in healthy and conscious state always.

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Hatha Yoga

“Ha” means sun and tha means “moon”. Hatha yoga is more body oriented as compared to Patanjali yoga which is mind oriented. Ultimate goal of Hatha Yoga is moksha or self-realization. The aim of Hatha yoga practice balance the energy system in the body, make body healthy, mind emotionally strong and conflict free, intellect sharp and spiritual aspiration fulfilled.

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Streams of Yoga

There are four streams of Yoga according Bhagavad Gita and Ancient Vedic science: They are:

  • Karma Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga
  • Raja Yoga

The four paths of yoga have been in existence from the time yoga originated. However, in the past, only one of these paths was in focus at a given time. The Bhagavad gita discusses the four paths of yoga to an extent. Shankara focuses mainly on jnana yoga, Ramanuja has focused only on bhakti yoga. Patanjali’s yoga sutra mainly emphasized the importance of raja yoga. Karma yoga was not known till the 1890s, when Swami Vivekananda spoke extensively about the four paths of yoga in his teachings worldwide.

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Kudalini & Chakras

Kundalini Shakti:

Kundalini is traditionally depicted has a sleeping serpent coil three and a half times at the base of shushumna nadi.As it is awakened it spirals up shushumna nadi ,travelling to all of the chakras.Kudalini is feminine energy so is termed Kundalini shakti.

What is Kundalini Yoga? 

  • The system of postures,breathing exercises,and meditations design to promote general well-begin.
  • Kundalini is a biological mechanism,linking the activity of the reproductive system and brain .
  • It is an evolutionary mechanism guiding the species towards the higher dimension of consciousness.

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Yoga Diet

“Yuktahara Viharasya Yuktacestasya karmasu, Yuktaswapnobhodhasya Yogo Bhavati dukhaha!”

Eating healthy food in limited quantity, right food and wisdom one can lead complete healthy life.

He who is temperate in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.

Following picture shows the healthy life style in day to day life. Every parent and family must understand this and consistently practice for the benefit of whole

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