Yoga & Samskara vidya workshop from 6:30am to 9:30am at Borabanda TSRS girls gurukul.

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Manavata Yoga & Samskara vidya workshop from 6:30am to 9:30am at Borabanda TSRS girls gurukul.
by Srinivasa Alluri (Founder of Manavata)

World Health Day inspirations:

Srini ji said, Manavata mission is to create 3H (Health, Happiness and Harmony) in every human by improving humanity through Yoga sadhana. He asked everyone to take responsibility of their own health, their parents health and health of mother earth. these are primary responsibilities of every human.

5th to 9th class around 400 students attended this workshop and got inspired with Yogic practices they have learnt during workshop. now they have realized importance of daily morning Yoga sadhana to master their mind, gain good health and for great success in their lives.Srini ji taught several yoga techniques to improve their memory power, concentration, self-confidence and self-control.

Srini ji has explained each technique in practical approach with deeper scientific understanding.
Shared his life inspirations, great experiences, cycling & environmental challenges he has worked. Examples of great inspirational leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Abdul Kalam, Veda Vyasa, Aryabhatta, Bammera Potana and their life stories shared to make every child to understand the volume of wisdom what we have how we can utilize the time to study good books, doing good works and yoga sadhana for overall improvement.Time management core concepts and Healthy living tips are also explained in detailed. Students curiously asked questions to improve their abilities and mind power.

later Students involved in pleasant guided meditation and peace prayers. Students are happy to take part in 5 days youth workshop in Summer in Manavata Ashram.

Best Regards
Manavata Samskara vidya team 

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