International Day of Yoga uniting the world

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Wish you all a very Happy International Day of Yoga (IDY). May we all unite for a greater cause and  let us grow our individual consciousness to Universal Consciousness. This can make us to live simple and lead happy life!

On this occasion congratulate all Yoga Practitioners and greatly appreciate all volunteers who are working on spreading inspiration and positive energy through Yoga sessions.

Manavata Yoga events on IDY are as follows:

1. China: Beijing: 2 events: Astanga Yoga / Karma yoga: Srini (Event1: 2 hours practice and talk, event 2: 1hour workshop in public park)

2. UK: Bristol: Leena: MAHE Bristol yoga events & Hartfield: Manavata Yoga

3. UK: Reading: Jayanthi (MAHE Yogathon event and talk in Reading University event talk on Yoga / Shiva as Adiguru)

4. UK Basingstoke: Kalyan / Venkat:  (world party event: Manavata stall and Yogathon)

5. UK Birmingham: Raj Marni: (Manavata Karma Yoga: Talk in Indian embassy IDY event)

6. India Hyderabad (Manavata Yoga at Ashram)

7. India: Manavata Ashram Lolla:  Chandra sekhar (Yogathon / quiz/ cultural events, Ashram annual day etc)

IDY common protocol booklet, useful reference for all new Yoga Practitioners:

View Manavata China Events: 

View Manavata Japan Events:

View Manavata UK events:

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