Happy New Year 2018 “The year of Seva and Sadhana”

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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Wish you and all family members a very happy, healthy and harmonious (3H) new year 2018! Greatly appreciate all your commitment for the cause and wonderful to work!

Let us take the new resolution for 2018 as the “year of Seva and Sadhana” (Service and Practice). i.e self-less service and practice of humanity 3H towards self-realization. What it means for us as a team of Manavata to set a new goal to spare more of our time for seva and sandhana and discard all unnecessary and unwanted stuff from our day to day life! Achieve efficiency and excellence! i.e Utilise every second wisely to reach real ultimate purpose of life! Become a leader with simple and eco-friendly lifestyle; Become more strong / healthy physically, mentally, socially and spiritually so that we can face all the challenges in this humanitarian work.

Plant more and grow more trees!

Protecting Dharma is our duty = > protect environment+protect all beings with Ahimsa practice + Live Honestly with minimum needs.

All over the world the old year has just now passed out and a New Year has commenced. Through age long association of ideas this time has come to have a peculiar efficacy for all beginnings, fresh endeavours, new resolves and turning over a new leaf. It is the most propitious time. Make full use of this psychological moment. Do not lose this opportunity.

Die to your old lower self. Be born into a newer life in the spirit. Sever once for all your connection with the little ego. Whatever be the slips, failures, disappointments and mistakes of the past year, forget them all. Never mind them. All is for the best. Be courageous in faith because there is always a glorious resurrection after each crucifixion. Spotless and untouched lies the year before you. Resolve to stick to a life of spotless moral purity, of chastity, physical and mental. Resolve to manifest Truth in thought, word and deed.

The external world is plunged in unrighteousness, hatred and warfare because you have neglected to carry on the inner war with the vicious lower self. You have surrendered to this inner enemy. Commence the spiritual warfare with the inner foes like egoism, hatred, greed, ambition, pride, selfishness. Crush these down and develop equal vision, forgiveness, mercy, universal love. Then all outer war will end in a moment. A New Era will be ushered in. Darkness will pass and a new dawn will light up Humanity.

Once again wish you all to have a blessed new year!

Thanks & Regards



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