Yoga & Health Camp Rangapeta mandalam, East Godavari district

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As part of Manavata Humanity SRDP program, we have adopted one more village called Sadredu in Rangapeta mandalam, East Godavari district. Established a health centre which helps to provide homeopathy treatment and also bring healthy practices into people’s life.

Mr. Ammiraju and team in Sandredu did wonderful volunteering work.. Dr. Raghavarao and other doctors who practice Dr. EK’s method of treatment attended this camp. Around 10 volunteers treated 100 patients on the 1st day. In the inauguration meeting dr. Raghavarao explained how peoople can improve their health thru homeopathy and local herbs without any side effects. Mr. Srinivasa Alluri motivated all the attendees and patients through his healthy living talk and techniques to cure common diseases.

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