Manavata Health Naturopathy Camp

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Naturopathy and Yoga Health Camp in Hyderabad. (7th Aug)

Session went on well with the inspirational talk by

Dr. Ramachandra Rao given talk on nature living and conducted a naturopathy treatment. He has specifically insisted on eating more fresh.

Sri Sinivasa Alluri given healthy living and Yoga special. he has emphasized on ideal daily schedule and importance of right practice in consistent manner to bring best practices in day to day life. Srini said, Abhyasa-Vairagya is key to implement right knowledge with more self-control.

Some of the tips & highlights include:

  • Practice of Pranayama 30 minutes everyday.
  • Proper timely & healthy food (heavy breakfast, light lunch and lightest dinner) etc
  • Treating body as temple and self as God (keep it clean and healthy)
  • how to reduce degeneration of body.

Healthy Juices suggested to reduce degeneration of body cells and improve energy:

  • Rice husk juice (soak in the night & filler in the morning + 3 spoons honey, + ½ lemon)
  • Pudina, coriander, Tulasi
  • Carron+ beetroot

6th phase volunteers, Sri Janaradhan, Sri Koteswara rao has helped in organizing this session. Volunteers Tulasi, Prakash, Surendra and other volunteers helped and co-ordinated event well and also kept healthy items & books available to all participants in the event. attendees have inspired with this program and requested regular sessions.IMG-20160808-WA0014.jpg

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