Collaboration on Sustainability (University of Tokyo)

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Yesterday Sastry garu and myself had a good meeting with international co-operation wing co-ordinator Dr. Naleem.

Thanks Sastry garu for your time and making logistics easier with our trip with lots of learnings and making arrangements for next steps.

As a next step, we need to send a formal proposal to this university.

Basically, idea of our International Centre for Sustainable development is to bridge the gap and provide platform to share /exchange good across the globe for making world better. Specifically sustainable practices, innovative proven techniques / technology for sustainable development. I was explaining about how our practical education can bring a big change in the world and why education is not making much sense at present. She agreed that lots of money is going to just build Hippocrates rather than practical people. Even researchers are not taking responsibility to do real research, many of them are just copying and making papers.. many research programs and thesis stays only on paper.. lot of investment and no value.. Every University across the globe facing same issue. I saw a Phd student handbook of this university says “Be a Responsible Researcher”.. that means we can understand how they are struggling to keep people responsible.

With our approach, practical education is to make people responsible and make them strong to work hard with ethics through out their life. To make best of east and west, here are some good things to share.

Positive strengths of each country:

·       Japan: Quality, dedication in work/duty, perfection, do not disturb others, (Sustainable technology, innovation)

·       China: hardworking, self-respect (traditional medicine, self-defence, employment creation, products)

·       India: Service, Sacrifice, humanity and spirituality (Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Natural farming)

·       UK: Management, Open-ness, self-confidence and exploration

·       USA: Technology, Leadership, pro-active, extending help (Leadership, technology)

·       Germany: sustainability, stability, perfection, caring for nature (Homeopathy, engineering technology, farming)

As a next action, Sreenath / Kiran, let me know if you are able to put together a 3 to 4 pages proposal with details about what is UFH and how can collaborate, how it brings value to both parties (as we are proposing 1. fellowship programs and course exchange programs, 2. Facilitating establishing their centre at our campus), 2nd one may be more interesting for this University.

Let us send proposal next week as I am starting up cycling today at Hiroshima

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