Cycling for Humanity from Hyderabad to Tirupati (Day 2)

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Cycle Yatra Day 2:

​​Hyd to Tirupati Manavata Cycle Yatra  CFH Reached UFH today. PDP sessions went on well in multiple schools with the support of volunteers and Manavata like minded people.

Today  Srini strarted cycling from Jadcherla and took the session for spinning workers in Addakula Village. This session was helped for them as a transformation day for their lifes.WhatsApp Image 2017-09-16 at 10.31.33 AM.jpeg
Srini took an interactive session for an hour including practice of Yogasanas, Pranayama and Meditation to spinning mill workers

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Later Srini went to Govt High School, Kothakota and explained to students about Humanity, Self-reliance, Ethical earning and right livlihood / living ethically, how to get control over mind. Practice session of yoga and meditation for them.​WhatsApp Image 2017-09-16 at 12.52.55 PM.jpeg

Srini shared his experiences and spoke about journey, hurdles and obstacles that came in his way and eventual success and encouraged the students to follow their dreams and work hard in order to reach the zenith of success. About 200 students were attended.

He also highlighted the life stages and career development cycle, factors affecting choice of streams, scope of streams and importance of time management, Leadership.​

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Later Srini went to Govt Jr.College, Kothakota. Here Srini explained about self-motivation, self-confidence, management of emotions such as fear and anger, problem solving and decision making skills, and positive thinking. College principal said, such workshops if conducted at regular intervals will benefit students to improve their communication skills as well as correct attitudinal defects. 

WhatsApp Image 2017-09-16 at 3.54.21 PM.jpegAfter completing of the session, students expressed thier gratitude and excited to take ​a photograph with Srini

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Later Srini went Spoorthi School, Kothakota to conduct a PDP session. In this session Mounica (M.P.D.O) atteneded as a chief guest. Srini has given a valuable speech and brought awareness on Humanity, Healthy Living, holistic self-development. About 200 students were attended in this session. The program focused on how to gain knowledge, self-control, will power, concentration among other things. In this session students learnt inter – personal relationship, co-operative attitude, creativity, leadership quality. The workshop also taught ways of engaging the student’s interest besides giving them the desired information and ensuring that they understand the concepts being taught.WhatsApp Image 2017-09-16 at 5.07.09 PM.jpeg

Later Srini has organized a PDP session at Telangana Social welfare school, Kothakota. In this session Mr. Srinivas Alluri motivated the students and filled them with new zeal to become better student and human beings. He emphasized on the need for a student to keep up the knowledge, learning additions things and creativity. Srini Practiced with students of the breathing technique of pranayama which makes them feel peaceful and calm.

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Later Srini started the cycling from Kothakota to UFH. On request of BBR Ramireddy school (Williamkonda) management Srini has conducted the PDP session in this school also,

Here Srini highlighted about the importance of Yoga, Meditation in our regular life. He also enlighted that, every student to has to give respect to their parents and to be obidient with thier teachers and every student should share thier knowledge to the needy children. He also taught to the students of importance of time mangement and leadership qualities.

Overall today it was a fruitful experience. All the school teachers and students have expressed their gratitude and would like us to take more sessions for their schools. Mostly some of the schools we may have to implement regular MAHE sessions soon.​

Today Srini cycled 75 Kms and almost 7hours session around 1800 students today and 1200 students yesterday with Personality development sessions as part of this Cycle Yatra​ and plantation also went well in different schools and distributed some plants to needy people and locations.

Plantation program in Manavata UFH.

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