Cycling & Plantation Drive in East Godavari

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Cycling & Plantation Drive in East Godavari

Date: 31st Aug 2019 (Saturday)

Time: 9am to 4pm

Starting Point

  • 9am ZP High school, Rcpm
  • 9:30am VSM College of Engineering, Ramachandrapuram

Other points:

  • Chodavaram, Narasapurpet
  • 11:30am Mamidada: ZP High school, DLR Digree and PG College and Gamyam College,
  • 12:30pm: ZP High school, Biccavolu
  • 1:30pm: ZP High school, Voolapalli
  • 2pm: Pandalapaka ZP High school
  • 3pm: Rayavaram ZP High school
  • 3:30pm Lolla
  • 4pm Someswaram
  • 4:30pm Machavaram
  • 5pm Pasalapudi
  • 5:30pm Ramachandrapuram


Visiting multiple villages on the way with multiple teams PDP, Plantation and Cycling teams.

PDP teams: 10 teams will visit 2 schools each and take motivational sessions to inspire students (Health, Environment and Humanity awareness)

Plantation teams: 10 teams will visit 2 villages each & meet with Panchayats and local volunteers to conduct plantation drive. Motivate them to take responsibility to water the plants and grow next 6 months.

Cycling: 10 team leaders /coordinators with 10 different groups makes necessary arrangements for their groups and takes them safely and make sure necessary directions and support to keep up the momentum.

10 teams visiting different villages simultaneously.

Join hands for better world! let us save our children and mother Earth. Inspire all around to live healthy and eco-friendly. Let us inspire all to stop pollution, avoid plastics & toxic chemicals, to avoid factory foods, make every house zero waste home!

View Route Map

Sri Alluri Srinivas garu will be joining events to share his inspiration and experiences to all (As you know he is first Indian cycled from London to Delhi and also cycling over 30000 in 18 countries and across India  for a great cause and to inspire all towards humanity!)

Utilise this opportunity & join this to  share synergies for the cause and inspire yourself for great leadership!

Guide lines for participants:

  1. Make sure your cycle is in good condition (check ABC: Air, break, Chain and other basics), practice and test it.
  2. Register your name online or over phone
  3. get your water bottle, back pack, you may keep some banana/dray fruits and dates for energy boost on the way,
  4. Maintain eco-friendly and healthy life style (no plastics, no junk foods, no factory foods and no fizzy drinks)
  5. Keep some pamphlets with you and inspire people / create awareness for health, environment and humanity

Manavata Cycling & Plantation drive in East Godavari district went on well. Ramachandrapuram, Chodavaram, Narsapurpet, Chintapalli, Mamidada, Biccavolu, Voolapalli, Pandalapaka, Komaripalem, Rayavaram, Lolla, Someswaram, Machavaram, Pasalapudi (round trip) covered over 10 villages plantation and 10 schools Samskara vidya inspirational sessions went on well.10 years ago Manavata Humanity cycling and plantation organized, those plants now became big trees. this time every village took commitment to grow as many trees as possible.
Sri Srinivasa Alluri garu, Sri Cheekala Suryanarana garu (Kakinada RK Seva samithi), Dr. Satyamurthy garu, Sai Mahanreddy garu taken inspirational sessions in different institutions covering over 2000 students. 3000 sampling.s plantation, health camps treated several patients with Dr. Veeranjaneyulu garu and team. Volunteers from VSM college of Engineering NSS wing participated in these activities.f Manavata Bikkavolu team organized lunch for all volunteers. Tulasi Varma, Mounica, Manikanta, Subbaraju, Anil, Bhavya and team did wonderful coordination and support for this activity. around 300 students participated in cycling for some distance along with Srini.

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