Effective Leadership: A Session for MBA students in Padmavathi Mahila University, Tirupathi

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Srini has taken a session for MBA students in Padmavathi mahila university. He has covered many real time exaples for them from his own experiences and also Mahatma Gadhi’s simple living and leadership. Called the students to “be the change that you want to see in the world”.. “if you can lead yourself, you can lead anything in this world”, so first start learning how to lead yourself, with self-control and confidence.

Students were very much inspired by Srini’s cycling and Manavata’s 3H mission. around 30 students came forward to volunteer and take social leadership promote value based education in rural schools. Srini explained them about importance of sharing knowledge and following humanity and rightousness in life. He has given example of his mother, who she used work hard and spet her time for seva, swadyaya and sadhana, which helped him to get right knowledge, best health and right path of humanity in the life. He said, women plays very important role in real change in this world, he requested everyone to spend their time productively. he has covered healthy living, humanity, yoga, time management, leadership and other key aspects of life.

later conducted 10 minutes meditation for all of them for the peace of the world. Distributed Manavata note books to volunteers. Thanks to Rajye, Mallikarjunarao garu, Shyam and other volunteers who has participated and helped for Tirupati activities.


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