Farmers Training Program in Kerala
Manavata farmers training program organized by Agriculture department of Kerala:
Farmers training program by Srini Sir in Chengalam, Kottayam, Kerala. This was conducted by Kerala agricultural department.. They are planning to start Manavata model farming . Srini Sir inaugurated traditional model farm by Kerala agricultural department. In 2017 15 farmers who won state award along with agricultural director Mr Korah Thomas visited University of Humanity ( UFH) run by Srinivas Sir in 60 acres of land in MehabubNagar, Hyderabad.. They were quite impressed by Srinivas Sir”s method of natural farming and going to start Manavata model farming in 4 blocks.
Started meeting with great inspiration and prayer song by women natural farmer Mrs. Jyothi. Mr. Korah director and Mr. Jyothi farmers wing president have given inaugural speech and introduction and introduced Srini and Manavata to all the attendees. Farmers who have attended earlier program at UFH have shared their experience with Manavata training program.
One off the farmer said that after Manavata UFH training program he has realized the importance of yoga and natural life style.. with that motivation he said, they have started a yoga club in their community and practicing regular yoga, he felt so happy to share his experience with all that they all could sort out all their health issues.
Korah sir explained about his experiences of UFH and how important it is to making model farms.
Yoga teacher Sreeja has expressed her happiness for today’s program and felt so much divinity
Srini has taken session for farmers with following key points:
Set goal and make a plan
- Goal is to protect nature, all beings and health. Make pollution free environment, produce poison less food.
- So natural farming is target without any chemicals and pesticides.
- Plan your food and plan your crops.. first for one family.. feed your family with healthy food from your won produce. Then plan for more families, produce similar natural food for more families.
- Understanding food, water, human body and nature. Understanding biodiversity.
- Plan multi crop integrated farm to serve all nutritional needs of the family. Plan for getting food all around the year from different plants, sow seeds also.
- Srini explained about 5 layer and multilayer model of crops.
Greatly appreciate Mr. Jubichan who has hosted this session at his farm and opened model natural farm. Organic healthy lunch organized for all participants with Kerala traditional healthy dish called “Thirivadira puzhukku” with 16 items like Tapiyoka, Yam, Pompkin, Cowpea Beans, Green Leaves, etc.
A new model farm is inaugurated at this place.
Anish has given vote of thanks.. who has been volunteering and co-ordinating Manavata programs very well including flood relief activities.
He expressed his happiness in serving and helping needy with Manavata activities and how he got inspiration from Srini.