Help needy from Manavata Arshad Baig

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Adil’s surgery:

Father name : Mr.Arshad Baig

Master Adil Baig (Patient) 1-1-101/2/1 (Rent)

Village & town: Khapra , ECIL

Mandal: Keesara

District: Ranga Reddy

State: Telangana

Country: India

Amount Transfered from UK: £500

Patient Master Adil Baig – Aged 10 years – Diagnosed to have Aplastic Anemia (type of blood disorder)-Treatment in CMC Vellore – Hospital No. 166767G  – Financial assistance-Requested.


Master Adil Baig, aged 10 years is diagnosed to have aplastic anemia (a type of blood disorder) by the Department of Hematology, Christian Medical College Vellore. His sister is HLA matched and willing to serve as a peripheral blood stem cell donor. The patient has to undergo allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant (PBSCT). The estimated cost of PBSCT at CMC Vellore is approximately Rs.14, 00,000 /- (Rs. fourteen lakh rupees only).

As his father Arshad Baig 39 years old and by profession I am a “Taxi Driver”. My annual income is Rs.60, 000/- (Rs. Sixty thousand rupees only) which would mean Rs.5000 per month. My wife, Mrs Shazeeya Begum, aged 30 years is a house wife. We have two sons and one daughter. The elder is the patient. He is a student of Class IV. The next is Ms. Shahistha Begum, aged 6 years (the donor). She is a student of Class I. The last one is Master Danish Baig, aged 4 years. We belong to a Minority community with poor economic background,With the limited income. I struggle hard to make ends meet. I am the only bread earner in the family. My elder son is at a very young age, is facing a dreadful and life threatening disease and not a day is passed without wailing and anguish. His studies are affected as he is admitted as a in-patient in the hospital as such he could not regularly attend the school. We are praying Almighty “Allah” to bestow his blessings on him and cure him from the disease. However we admitted him in a renowned hospital for treatment but the cost of the treatment is not affordable for us.

A poor family like us cannot afford to spend such a huge amount. And without the help form you all; it is not financially possible for us to pay the full amount of the Treatment. The help from you all is the ray of hope for the treatment of the patient (Adil Baig) and for the recovery.

Respected Sir/Madam, I request all of you to show sympathy on my young son and release funds to defray his medical expenses. Our family will be grateful and thankful, to all of you if funds are released at the earliest.

I am campaigning here to help my son cover the Cost of My Bone-Marrow Transplant and Many Medical Bills that I Face. It is very important to me to keep my all medical bills as an acknowledgement if someone want proof to raise funds on account of me.The bone marrow transplant and related out of pocket costs are going to be at least 14,00,000 -/-(Fourteen lakh rupees only) for my son. This campaign is important to me because I have to choose between paying rent or paying for the cost of an infusion. And I have to decide between buying a Clyclosporine Syrup or buying medicine for a month. I have to decide between paying to the doctor or buying Vegetables for the daily livelihood.Hence,I have fought all of this for a year and need a little help now.

Any FUNDS that are received from this campaign will go directly to Cost Of my Son’s Bone-Marrow Transplant Rs.14,00,000(fourteen lakh rupees only) Alone & the Other of his Transfusions expenses, hospital stays, copays, lab expenses, infusions, and monthly medication costs. I travel to the CMC Vellore, twice in a month, once for lab work and once more for infusions. My son has to have platelet transfusions and also the red blood cells after the CBP test. These are two of my biggest expenses outside of the transplant itself. I also need to keep up on my medications. I am taking Prograf, Ciproflaxin, Hydrochloroquine, Levoflaxin, Medroxyprogesterone, and Prednisone. In addition to this I need to raise funds for the actual transplant itself which is included in the Rs.14, 00,000 (Fourteen lakh rupees only -/-) I hope to raise.

I tell everyone my Son’s case is similar to the poor woman Robin Roberts in America. Like my son, she needed a bone marrow transplant. Unlike her, I do not have the publicity or resources that are needed to fight this. What I do have is faith that I will be okay with a helping hand. I have faith that there are folks out there that care. Maybe you or someone you know has been affected by an autoimmune disease or a cancer / anemia and you know how overwhelming this process can be. I want to make it through this so that one day I can turn back and help others like myself. If you help me I can do that.

Any Contribution to his treatment via Demand Draft / Cheque drawn in favour of “The Treasurer,Christian Medical College,Vellore” indicating the Patient’s name – Adil Baig with CMC Hospital number 166767G.

Transferring directly to account as follows:-

Bank Account details to be transferred:-

In favor of Name: – Mr.Arshad Beg

Bank Account number: – 62377933640

Bank Name: – State Bank of Hyderabad

Bank Branch: – Aditya Nagar

Branch Code: – 21041

IFSC Code: – SBHY0021041

Bank Phone number: – +914027127842

Address:- 1-1-101/2/1; Mohammadiya Nagar; Near Vijaya High School; Aditya Nagar; Dr.A.S Rao Nagar; Ranga Reddy (district)-500062,Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA.

Note:- If anyone want to know/speak about this authenticity of report and then help, can talk directly and can verify with meeting personally.

Please try Contact the following numbers:-

1) +91-9848895518 (Patient’s Father)

2) +91-9502538827 (Patient’s Maternal Uncle)

Email id: –

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