Inspirational Response from Boston for 3H

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Manavata Boston events were successfully completed. There are total 4 events planned and all of them received tremendous response.

24th April: Friday 7:30 to 9pm: “Better parenting and Yoga”

This event was conducted with the collaboration of “Balalhari” of Westford.  Srinivas delivered an inspirational speech to the group and introduced Yoga and Meditation. The Kids asked several questions and Srini answered all the questions very patiently. The organizers of Balalhari appreciated Srini’s visit and felicitated Srini with Ramayana books.


25th April 1pm to 5pm: “Healthy Living and Yoga” (Westford library)


There are about 50 people attend this session. All the audiences were inspired and involved in the session for 4 hours. A group of Kids from GVW community presented a skit to introduce Srinivas. This is another successful event and all the audience pledged to participate in healthy living lifestyle going forward.

Personality Development for Youth: (Prasanna):

There were about 15 kids of age groups from 7 to 13 attended the session. Srini conducted few yoga games for the kids. Kids learned about Goal setting,

Personality development, Self discipline and Self reliance. 

“Manavata University Discussion”

This is a Brain storming session regarding Manavata University. Srini invited “Mark Roser” and Prasanna invited GVW middle school parents group for the session.  A healthy and delicious lunch was provided to the guests, which was cooked without oil, salt and sugar. The session went about couple of hours with lot of inputs from the participants. The session was concluded with a recorded message from Srini and Mark.

Prasanna, Ravi, Vijay and other volunteers have done wonderful co-ordination to make these events successful.

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