Manavata Yogathon 2016.

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​Viswa Manavata Samstha has organized Yogathon 2016 in Hyderabad, JNTU grounds today. Around 600 students from different schools, colleges and professionals have participated in this 108 suryanamaskara competition. Manavata volunteers have made necessary arrangements for all participants and made this event successful with a great team work. Some students are able to complete 108 suryanamaskaralanu, but many students are unable to perform this properly due to lack of practice and weakness.

​Today’s Yogathon inspired students.. but it needs lot of commitment from schools and parents to make them responsible human beings. At present both parents and school teachers are not giving right direction to children to realize their re​al potential. They need proper training and regular practice to make themselves healthy physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. 108 Suryanamakara competition held for different age groups and winners have got medals and personality development books set. All participants have got good inspiration.. Manavata has provided them healthy breakfast and personality development. Yoga, meditation and personality development talks by Srinivasa Alluri, Founder President of Manavata, Dr. KV. Ramachandra rao (Naturapathy, humanitarian) and Prajakavi Jayaraj have inspired children towards humanity and health. IMG_3037 - Copy.JPGSrinivas has explained how to live simple, responsible, honest and healthy in day to day life.. and he has given good concentration tips for students. Current generation becoming weak and unhealthy day by day due to wrong practices and laziness. He said, it is our responsibility to spread right practices time to time to make everyone Healthy, Happy and Harmonious! Manavata invites you to join this and inspire all!IMG_3041 - Copy.JPGTime: 6am to 9am 20th Feb 2016

Venue: JNTU grounds, KPHB, Hyderabad

Objective: To inspire students towards healthy life style and practice of Yoga for building healthy society, curing diseases and ailments, to develop positive thinking, attaining true happiness, harmony and spiritual strength.

About Speakers:

Mr. Srinivasa Alluri, founder of Manavata, True Yoga Practitioner, Software professional, Limca book record holder for his 11350KM cycle ride from London to Delhi ( and 9000KM cycling around India and currently in Hyderabad and voluntarily conducting healthy and yoga camps. Around 27000KM of cycling for humanity in 18 countries has inspired millions of people. We believe that your children also can great inspiration with this event. He is true practitioner of Yoga for past 25 years and taught Yoga and healthy living to thousands of people across the globe.

Dr. K. V. Ramachandra rao, Naturopathy expert and humanitarian who is inspiring thousands of people towards healthy living.

Mr. Jayraj, a great poet, Praja kavi, who writes all his songs and poems on Nature and Humanity. He is inspiring young generations towards social consciousness through his poetry and singing.

About Surya Namaskar: (The Sun Salutation) are very effective when you practice with concentration and very effective warm-up and recharge for the body.

It is a graceful sequence of twelve positions performed as one continuous exercise. Each position counteracts the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing. Practiced daily it will bring great flexibility to your spine and joints and trim your waist. It limbers up the whole body in preparation for the Asanas.IMG_3017 - Copy.JPG

About Manavata:

Manavata is a worldwide (registered charity in India, UK and USA) voluntary, non profitable and non religious organization working for the development of the Society founded on 19th Oct 1991. It is run by a large group of service minded people. ‘Manavata’ derives its name from Sanskrit for ‘Humanity’. It is being molded as a common platform for many enthusiastic youth and social service organizations, spread across continents, to share and interact in the field of service to the humanity. Manavata acts as a facilitator and dialogue partner with regard to co-operation among the volunteers and member organizations in carrying out social activities addressed to the benefit of community and deserving individuals. The mission of Manavata is “To create and promote a Healthy, Happy and Harmonious (3H) world”. Manavata has got 57 chapters with more than 8000 volunteers across the globe.

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