CTLF 2015: NGO conferences in Hyderabad & Khammam

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12th Jan 2015:

Wish you all a very Happy Youth Day!
Congratulations to all Volunteers, Members, voluntary Blood donors, NGOs and well wishers!
On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda’s birthday team has celebrated youth day with a productive CTLF 2015 conference. We thank you for your continuous & kind support. First of all greatly appreciate all your self-less service and team work for good cause.

Highlights: CTLF 2015 conference, Youth day and Manavata University activity initiation

Today Manavata members, NGOs and youth celebrated Youth day (Swami Vivekananda’s birthday) with a productive charity together conference with wonderful humanitarians.

Wonderful news is that, today Manavata University activity is formally launched on this auspicious accession. Srini has briefed about idea of Manavata University and it’s need in current situation of the world. He said, it is first time in the world to have such integrated University, to provide right, practical and informal education for sustainable development. Volunteers have shared their ideas and area of interest to work.

Volunteers from different regions have participated in this conference.

Discussion & Presentations:

Srinivasa Alluri (Founder, Manavata) has presented on Sustainable rural development program and plans of Manavata University. Manavata’s key focus is to adopt 500 villages and make them self-sustainable with it’s proven methods in education, health and environment.

Key initiatives this year are as follows:

1. Launch of Manavata University and work with 25 villages for sustainable development
2. Self-sustainability of Manavata Ashrams
3. Central HQ office setup to manage collaborations
4. Streamlining Education in adopted govt. schools
5. Establishing 20 more MAHE centers

Then Srini has narrated about swami Vivekananda and his inspirational works. He requested every member to take this inspiration to youth by following his principles of humanity / self-less service.

Dr. PV Subbarao (direct disciple of Master EK and he has been serving several patients from past 30 years with his Homeopathy practice) addressed the forum with inspirational message for right education and health. He has also explained about greatness of Dr. Hahnemann who has invented homeopathy with several experiments on his body and all his experiments are completely done on human beings (not like other medicines which are invented with the experiments on animals). He also shared his great experiences he gained with his master EK and how he used work 22 hours every in the service of others. He has particularly appreciated the approach and self-less services taken up by Manavata volunteers. He said, Manavata University is a great idea to transform society.

He promised that he can contribute to Manavata University to train resources in the field of health and homeopathy medicine.

Sri Ravi Ji who came from Penugonda explained about Natural farming and Manavata University’s role in transformation. He expressed his happiness about this charity together conference and explained about how important it is to work together for a good cause. He has also covered aspects of neighborhood community, improve self-respect & leadership process.

MVC Prasad (Natural farming practitioner and voluntary trainer for several farmers) spoke about bringing change in people life style through awareness and by educating both farmer and consumer. He gave several ideas to volunteers and entrepreneurs to take up responsibility to create market for genuine natural farmers for their products to market in reasonable price. He has asked Manavata to bring collaborative branding to help formers. He said, best way to help both farmers and consumers is to buy their produces immediately after crop with proper distribution system. He also emphasized on promoting growing vegetables at home with roof gardening simple techniques.

Prasad Vemulapati has addressed gathering, explained about Manavata University’s vision and importance of working together by sharing responsibilities. He said, we all need to come out comfort zone to make progress in self-transformation and take more responsibility in self-less service.

Later team has discussed different ideas and identified key tasks to establish university. Responsibilities of these tasks are shared among different teams.

11th Jan 2015: Palekar ji’s Manavata award ceremony and Nelakondapalli, Khammam Health event:

Today’s meetings were very useful and each one of us felt a great learning and sharing today. Morning meeting with Subhash Palekar ji was great and we have felicitated him with Manavata Life time achievement award 2014 for him.

Sri Subhash Palekar ji: (Inventor of Zero budget Natural farming), Manavata CTLF team had a separate meeting with him on 11th Jan morning at 8am at Domalguda (Hyderabad). Srini and team felicitated him with Manavata Life time achievement 2014 award and thanked for his wonderful work for farmers and sustainable development. Palekar ji addressed CTLF team and explained how our day to day habits are spoiling environment. he requested everyone to see how then can avoid usage of chemicals in their day to day life and replace them with better natural alternatives (eg. toothpaste, soap, shampoo, plastics, clothes and so on). Prasad and Srini have explained about Manavata University plan to promote natural farming and how we are going encourage more farmers. Palakar ji has promised to support Manavata University initiatives and expressed his happiness about Manavata’s team work for sustainable development.

Meeting at Nelakondapalli: 

Manavata team has travelled from different locations and attended this conference in Khammam district. Dr. Ramachandra rao and team at Prakrithi vanam hosted this event and make this a great success. Srini Alluri, MCV Prasad, Vemulapati Prasad and other speakers explained about Manavata and Manavata University initiative to all attendees.

Later team has discussed different ideas and identified key tasks to establish university. Responsibilities of these tasks are shared among different teams.


Manavata Life Time Achievement 2014 has been awarded to Sri Subhash Palekar ji who has dedicated his life and helping protecting environment and health of people with his Zero budget natural farming inventions. He has trained millions of farmers across India and other parts of world and empowered them with ZBNF practice.

Manavata Award of Excellence:    

Dr. PV Subbarao, Sri MCV Prasad, Subbaraju & Poornima, P.Madhavi, Pakalapati Rambabu, Srinivas Patanjali, Prasad Vemulapati, Prakash Alluri, Naresh Anumala, Jayanthi Praveen, Leena Thomas, Kalyan Petluru, Mukund Gorla

Award of Excellence also presented in Khammam CTLF for Dr. Narasimha Rao (late), Dr. Venkateswararao (late),  Dr. Bodepudi Seshaia (late) for their great Services to Mankind with Naturopathy treatment and Sustainable Health

Youth Day Events:

As part of youth day celebrations, Manavata Ashram Hyderabad has conducted number of events like yoga competitions, Essay writing, Elocution, quiz and Gita 12 chapter recitation. Students for different schools and our ashram have enjoyed these events with their active participation. Winners have received certificates and books. 10 years young participants of 40Km cycling event have also received awards.

1st Jan 2015:

Invitation for Charity Together Leadership Forum (CTLF)  2015 for all humanitarians and humanitarian organizations:

We are pleased to invite you for CTLF 2015 conference.  This time, two days conferences are in Khammam and Hyderabad Collaboration with Prakrithi Ashram, Nelakondapalli, Khammam dt. (170 Kms from Hyd) for Health, Yoga and nature on 11th Jan 2015 and Youth day event on 12th Jan in Hyderabad. It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and establish collaborations to work together for different humanitarian causes.

Following Exceptional faculty and many other Humanitarian organisations have confirmed their participation to enhance our learning on Yoga, Natural and humanitarian living besides road map discussions on Manavata University and MAHE.

Register for this event online

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