Manavata Goseva & Karthika Vanamahotasvam at Lolla Ashram

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Manavata Goseva & Karthika Vanamahostasvam at Lolla ashram Vana Bhojanalu at Manavata Ashram garden. over 600 people participated in this event.

In this event program are conducted worship nature, Indian gooseberry and Tulasi puja, prayers of Vishnu sahasrama and Lalitha Sahasranama Chaining, Homa, Dhyanam, Yoga Shala Inauguration, Gopuja, Sri Swami Ayyappa Padi pooja, Manavata East Godavari district committee meeting, Yoga teachers training, Free homeopathy treatment and medicines distribution and  children activities held as part of this program. Children did lot of work in this program and learn great team work including spiritual sadhana and seva. This is the way forward for children to gain practical experience, teamwork and selflessness. All eco-friendly event without any plastics, health food, banana leaves, water served in steal glasses etc.the end of the day its is very Devotional day to all.

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