Manavata Nepal: further relief activities (Srini visit)

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Srinivasa Alluri has visited Nepal recently to support victims of earth quake and plan for long term relief for some of the devestated villages.

Dolakha district (Sunkhani, Sunrawathi, Sushpa Kshmavathi villages)  and Banepa (Ranipani and Bakultai villages). Here are some of the updates from Srini:

13th July 2015:

My visit to Dolakha in past 3 days was very useful and it has given me good understanding of current issues of remote villages in Nepal after devastated earth quake. Considering seniority of disaster, it is understood that it takes some time to get back to normal.

Thanks for all your good work and you whole hearted supported for victims of earth quake. I also thank rapid response and youth for blood teams who have connected to local volunteers in Dolakha for my visit.

Just to let you know, I have visited following 3 villages, Mr. Dinesh ji and Mr. Birkha ji made good arrangements with local people to get these visits productive.. I have got good understanding on the ground level issues. Thanks Saurabh, Ankit, Bhishnu and team for co-ordinating this visit.

Brief analysis of my Dolkha visit:

As a next step, I am in the discussions to formulate a sustainable project. As you know Manavata main focus is on long term sustainability and empowerment rather than just short term temporary relief.. as immediate needs are already met by other sources. Overall day to day life activities are rescued well with all support from different humanitarian aid and also people initiatives.


One of the projects we can help well with our expertise is children education, towards empowerment with our practical methods which we do in Manavata Ashrams. It may be good to support orphans / poor children for their education at the same time, help local schools to give value based education (which can help people to make responsible citizens). Let me know your interests and views. Anyway other projects also I am discussing to support a school and to support farmers etc.  


Pending Action:

1. Need to get local volunteers partnership and commitment for this project.

2. Discuss further process to take up process (government approvals etc.)

3. Local collaboration to be finalized

It is great that Dinesh ji and Birkha ji expressed their interest to initiate Manavata Chapter in Nepal to work together in long term. I think it is very important to connect and work together towards suitability and humanity. While I appreciate all the aid work from humanitarian organisations, I see lot of disconnect in the relief work from different agencies, due to lack of proper co-ordination among different teams working.. in this process lot of time, efforts and funds also getting wasted before reaching to actual needy. I feel they should have utilized in much better way if they have proper co-ordination. Anyway let us not blame the system.. let us make our efforts efficient with properly co-ordinated work. In this context, I appreciate your co-ordination in your own scale to get connect between needy and aid orgs.

Even many people and officials also feel same thing. Assistant District Education officer in Kathamandu said, many charities are making people dependent by doing some free work for some time.. later on people are becoming lazy, as they don’t work, they can’t earn livelihood. This is in away spoiling overall economy. We he is 100% agreed with our approach of taking sustainable and empowerment projects rather than temporary relief. He said, temporary relief is not much helpful.

Birkha ji and team organized a healthy living workshop in Charikot for some families here and young people. We also had morning Yoga session at Dinesh ji’s place. Personality development session in a school inspired young people 10 class students to get into right practices and make themselves as responsible citizens. Now I am in Khatmandu. Met with Mr. Tulasi prasad, Asst. District education officers, very productive discussion. Today I may meet some more officials and there are some more village visit organized by one more team.

Let me know if you would like to organize any personality development sessions in Universities within Kathmandu in top Universities like Tribhuvan or Kathamndu either today or tomorrow. I may have to leave to india tomorrow evening, before that I will try to discuss with some of the interested volunteers who would like to work together and take Manavata projects forward in Nepal.

Thanks again for all your help for utilizing time efficiently and to make as many as benefit from this visit.  I will share complete report soon.

15th July 2015:

Meeting with DEO:

My yesterday’s meeting with DEO(district education officer) and team was very useful in Lalithpur district. I went to Lagankhel by bus and asst. DEO Mr. Tulasiprasad has kindly received me from there and organized meeting with DEO at his office.

DEO said: any help is good at present, though government is planning rebuilding, it takes time, at present we are assigning some of the villages to some NGOs to help in schools for rebuilding. He said first material and then knowledge. So he suggested following forms for contribution: 1. Material (study material/books, scholarships), 2. School tiffin / lunch 3. Re-construction work (class rooms / Library) etc.

Mr. Deepak, who was also in our meeting in this office, who is principle of an international school, which also runs an orphanage with 250 children. he showed lot of interest to help us in setting up our project and work together.

Asst. DEO Tulasi Prasad said, he will be in touch and asked us to approach for any information. Other staff member District co-ordinator said, she can provide more details of each VDC schools in specific if we are happy to start any project.

Later Mr. Deepak kindly dropped me at Koteswar on his 2 wheeler, I took a bus to Banepa.

Banipa (Ranipani / Bakultai villages) Visit:

Mr. Puspa Prasad Sapkota and his friends received me from here and took me to Ranipani and Bakultai villages which are on the mountains around 12 km from Banepa. Both villages are around 4000 population each. Two health centres and 2 schools are there. Around 700 children in one of the big govt. school. 250 children in a private school.

Thanks Ashish and other Manava Sadhana volunteers for taking wonderful initiative to support this village. Your detailed report on these villages was good. Let us discuss some time soon on how we can work together.

More than 60% of houses are destroyed in this area. All households have built their temporary sheds to live safe. Most of the houses are mud and brick construction without proper foundation, they are around 20 years old houses.







I will be taking a personality development and inspire session in one of a school in Ranipani at 10 am and then going to Kathmandu. Saurabh is trying to organize a session in an Engineering collage in Kathamandu this afternoon.


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