Manavata Yoga Teachers(YIC) Session at UFH Yogasala

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Manavata Yoga Teachers Session Organised at Manavata UFH Yogasala on 18th March 2019. 55 teachers participated in this program.

Yoga – An ancient form of exercise which evolved thousands of years back in the Indian society and is being practised continuously since then. It includes various forms of exercises to keep a person in good shape and to get rid of various forms of diseases and inabilities. It is also considered as a strong method for meditation which helps in relaxation of mind and body.

Yoga has many branches like Raja yoga, Karma yoga, jnana yoga, Bhakthi yoga, and Hatha yoga. But when most people talk of yoga in India or abroad, they usually mean Hatha yoga, which consists of certain exercises called ‘asanas’.It can also include ‘pranayama’, a set of breathing exercises. Yoga is an important system of complementary or alternative therapy. Yoga teachers prescribe specific asanas and breathing exercises for specific diseases. Yoga has beneficial results in treating many diseases like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, obesity, etc.

The Meditation is a mental discipline by which one tries to attain a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. It involves focusing one’s attention on a single point of reference. It is an important part of many religions and it is practised outside religion as well. Meditation may be used for different purposes.the Teachers done yoga sadhana all together at pleasant place of nature.

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