Nepal Relief Updates

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Had very good brainstorming in my meetings with number of like-minded people here. Mr. Dinesh and Mr. Birkha Kranty are very much aligned to Manavata principles and expressed their happiness to connect with Manavata and working together for long term empowerment projects such as Orphanage / MAHE / Children education or vocational training for unemployed youth. After I have explained them about Manavata and it’s work towards sustainability and empowerment and I have told them importance of bringing change in education system to make practical approach and bring leadership and right knowledge / practice in every child.

Government anyway arranging all basic needs for people including housing and schooling.. there is no point in duplicating that work in any of the villages.  But education remains a big issue in villages.. current system is unable to produce enough leaders and skills to lead their lives and society. Primary and secondary education is providing basic literacy, but many children are still not able to continue their education due to poverty. Many young people are getting into drug addictions also.  Most important thing is empowerment.  I said, whatever Manavata is focussing to bring change in education system to build the leadership and self-reliance is important for Nepal in current situation. They  have agreed on this. So it is good to initiate Manavata Ashram and start working supporting orphan children and also support local schools as we do in India.

Nepal has got so many natural resources, we should not make people like beggars by giving just temporary material. We should empower them to cultivate self-reliance by appropriately utilizing their own resources by their work. So skills training and value based education is key to bring that confidence and humanity in this society. Radhaswamy satsang has built a one big hall here with good facilities, but it is still unused. That means there are many things are unused. There are some organisations also want to setup some children homes etc, but no concrete ideas in place from Patanjali Yoga pet, RSS etc. I have asked local team to organize a meeting with organisations which can work together with us.. today we might meet them.


We have also visiting some of the impacted areas in this place.. as you see things are yet to be cleared. Some people are living in temporary accommodations. Buildings which are built on hills without proper foundation have impacted more and has called deaths in this regions. While clearing destructed buildings in Charkot yesterday, 2 more people killed. i.e clearing these buildings on these hilly region is dangerous too.


Today we are vising 3 villages in north east of Charkot.. I will update you more on this soon.
Sreenath, thanks for introducing right contacts, I had a chat with Lokesh and Ashish. Ashish and team working on house rehabilitation in a village for 300 houses. But this may be a duplicate effort as government is already doing it.. for temporary relief, UN and other countries have supplied tents and roofs. I will discuss with them in detail today.

Today we are vising 3 villages in north east of Charkot.. I will update you more on this soon.
Sreenath, thanks for introducing right contacts, I had a chat with Lokesh and Ashish. Ashish and team working on house rehabilitation in a village for 300 houses. But this may be a duplicate effort as government is already doing it.. for temporary relief, UN and other countries have supplied tents and roofs. I will discuss with them in detail today.



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