Manavata NewsLetter_Aug_2023

Charity Reg. No. 3417/01(India), 1120315 (UK), 000918874 (USA)

Our Mission is to Create a Healthy, Happy and Harmonious (3H) World

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the volunteers who passionately worked for Manavata causes in the month of August. With your kind support and dedicated teamwork, we achieved remarkable success and made a positive impact on many lives. Seva, selfless service, continues to be the driving force behind making our lives meaningful, just as Swami Vivekananda emphasized, “They alone live who live for others.”

 August’s  Enlightening  Endeavors:

  • Eye Care Camp: This month, Manavata extended its caring touch through an impactful Eye Care Camp, dedicated to promoting ocular health and providing vision-related assistance to those in need.
  • Organ Donation Drive: In August, a significant initiative was the Organ Donation Program, shedding light on the noble act of organ donation and its life-transforming impact.
  • Yoga Teachers Training: Manavata’s commitment to holistic well-being continued with the Yoga Teachers Training program, equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to guide others on the path to wellness through yoga.
  • Homeopathy Camps: Continuing its mission of accessible healthcare, Manavata conducted Free Homeopathy Medical Camps, offering natural and compassionate healing to those seeking it.
  • Youth Empowerment: The Youth Program held this month empowered young minds, fostering leadership skills, values, and a sense of responsibility among the next generation.
  • Value Education Advocacy: Reinforcing the importance of values in shaping character, the Value Education Program highlighted the significance of ethical and moral principles in everyday life.
  • Yoga Mandapam Inauguration: In line with its commitment to holistic well-being, Manavata proudly inaugurated the Yoga Mandapam. This serene space will serve as a hub for yoga enthusiasts, fostering wellness of the mind and body.
  • Raksha Bandhan Celebration: Manavata celebrated the beautiful bond of love and protection on Raksha Bandhan. This heartwarming event highlighted the significance of relationships and the spirit of caring for one another.

Expanding Horizons in August:

“In August, Manavata’s impact grew even larger as its important initiatives touched the hearts of more people. Our volunteers worked hard to improve health, promote well-being, support education, and provide selfless service. They made positive changes that inspired others, showing the true meaning of helping others. This month’s activities highlight our organization’s strong dedication to making a real difference in many people’s lives.”

Manavata August Month events Highlight

National Organ donation day

3rd Aug 2023: National Organ donation day.
Organ donation awareness program organized in Cyber towers, Hyderabad by STPI.
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Murali, Neurologist
Mr. Srinivasa Alluri, Founder & President, Vishwa Manavata Samastha
Mr. CV Ram Prasad, Director, STPI
Spreading Awareness for Organ Donation: A Gift of Life
Introduction: Organ donation is an act of selfless compassion that has the potential to save and improve countless lives. It involves the voluntary donation of organs or tissues from one person to another in need. Organ transplantation is a critical medical procedure that offers a second chance at life for individuals suffering from organ failure or severe medical conditions. However, despite the life-saving potential, there remains a significant gap between the supply of organs and the ever-growing demand. Therefore, raising awareness about organ donation is crucial to bridging this gap and transforming more lives for the better.
The Importance of Organ Donation: Highlight the significance of organ donation by discussing how it saves lives, improves quality of life for recipients, and supports medical advancements in transplantation
Awareness on following actions:
1. What is organ donation and how it is important these days to save critical patients.
2. Most important thing is to protect our own organs with healthy life style and become eligible to donate organs and even blood to several lives.
3. Quick action when death happens in known circles.
How you can support Organ donation:
* Create awareness in your family. be yourself familiar. Keep Manavata helpline chart on your wall.
* If any deaths in your area, inform us immediately to or NOTTO 24×7 helpline no. is 1800-11-4770 or contact Manavata helpline 9966673111
Dr. Murali, neurologist said that only 2% of kidney transplantation needs are met so far and rest of the patients are dying after few years of their survival and painful dialysis process. similarly other organs donations also very minimum at present. we need to bring lot of awareness to increase number of organ donors.
STPI director Mr. Ramprasad garu appreciated all the employees who have attended the session and encouraged people to
Srini explained about importance of responding quickly with empathy and humanity to save lives. at the time of death of any family members or friends.. this can happen only when we are living with Humanity consciousness, holistic health.
Srini said, many people are spoiling their organs due to toxins in the food, smoking, alcohol, irregular food & sleep, stress etc. Even for blood donation to get eligibility minimum 12.5 hemoglobin levels. but these days many are becoming ineligible to donate organ and blood due to growing health issues like diabetic, kidney problems, anemia etc. So it is important to adopt healthy life style with healthy diet and Yoga.
Improve fitness in all levels physical, mental and spiritual, so that you can confidently donate food.

Empowering Child Holistic Development and Value Education

Empowering Child Holistic Development and Value Education: Manavata Study Centre’s Impact in Tirumalapur

Today, at the Tirumalapur MPP School in Mahaboobnagar district, a remarkable workshop on child holistic development and value education was conducted by Mr. Srinivasa Alluri, the driving force behind the Manavata Study Centre. The workshop focused on establishing a working model and collaborative teams among students, fostering mutual cooperation, and adopting a group learning methodology.

In this unique model, every student took on the role of a volunteer to help others in their learning journey. The participants enthusiastically followed a disciplined daily schedule, attending the Manavata study center sessions for two hours before their regular school hours. The dedication and commitment of the students were evident, as they wholeheartedly invested themselves in this transformative learning process.

A local volunteer named Pushpalatha played a crucial role in regularly conducting sessions for these children. Her efforts and dedication have had a profound impact on the children, instilling in them a love for learning and a passion for helping others.

Over the course of the past year, the students’ motivation to learn has soared, and they have embraced the values and principles taught at the Manavata study center.

The impact of Manavata’s initiative has been widely appreciated by various stakeholders in the community. School teachers, parents, and local volunteers were overwhelmed with happiness to witness the transformation in the children. They wholeheartedly pledged their support and encouragement, recognizing the profound benefits of such a program in their village.

The success of the workshop and the ongoing efforts of the Manavata Study Centre in Tirumalapur stand as a shining example of how collective efforts and a focus on holistic education can create a positive and lasting impact on the lives of children. By nurturing the young minds of today with the right values, knowledge, and compassion, the Manavata Study Centre is fostering a generation of responsible and empathetic individuals who will contribute positively to society in the future.

Yoga Teachers 25th Batch Training at UFH

Detox body & mind.. Holistic Health spiritual retreat for Yoga teachers (YIC) 25th batch training camp at Manavata UFH this weekend. Great experience for everyone with all team work for Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga they all have completed 4 months teachers training with Manavata online & offline from different locations (Hyd, Bangalore, Ananthapur etc) and appeared final exam at Manavata UFH campus.Involved in seva activities for Health & medical camps and plantation also as part of their stay here. Gita, Patanjali Yoga sutras & Other Yogic sciences done as part of Swadyaya.. deep sadhana after Shatkriyas helped them to get rid of all kids of ailments.This weekend marks the 25th batch of the Yoga teacher training camp (YIC) at Manavata UFH, where Yoga teachers have gathered for a transformative and holistic health spiritual retreat.

The experience has been truly rewarding for everyone, as they delved into the depths of Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga, fostering a strong sense of teamwork and unity.Prior to this retreat, all participants completed a rigorous 4-month teachers training program with Manavata, utilizing both online and offline resources from different locations such as Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Ananthapur. Their dedication was evident when they successfully appeared for the final exam at the Manavata UFH campus, showcasing their commitment to becoming skilled and knowledgeable Yoga teachers.During their stay at the retreat, these aspiring teachers also actively engaged in seva activities, including Health & medical camps and plantation efforts. This spirit of selfless service added a profound dimension to their journey, fostering compassion and a deeper connection with others.

The retreat also included in-depth studies of spiritual texts like the Gita, Patanjali Yoga sutras, and other Yogic sciences as part of Swadyaya, encouraging introspection and intellectual growth.

The participants further enhanced their experience through deep sadhana, complemented by the purifying Shatkriyas, which led to the alleviation of various ailments and a profound sense of rejuvenation, both physically and mentally.Overall, this holistic retreat has offered a life-changing experience for these Yoga teachers, enriching their personal and professional journeys with valuable insights and spiritual growth.”


Gomatha Pada Yatra (Hyderabad to Arunachalam), Swami's visited Manavata UFH goshala

Swami has been doing pada yatra several places with this simple hand pulling carry cycle for his baggage.He felt so happy visiting Manavata UFH ashram for ananaprasadam today as part of Gomatha Pada yatra along with Sri Balakrishna guruswami. He would like to come back and stay here.
Gomatha Pada Yatra (Hyderabad to Arunachalam), Swami’s visited Manavata UFH goshala, Natavalli, kottakota Mandal on their way:
Manavata Srinivas garu and volunteers welcomed Balakrishna Guruswami and all Pada yatra swamis to Manavata UFH ashram with Poorna Kalasham and Padapuja.
Arranged Prasadam: healthy organic breakfast arranged at Manavata UFH Ashram: Millet Pongal, whole meal black Vurdh dhal & desi brown rice idli, nalleru+Munaga+coconut chutney, nuvvula vundalu
They all felt so happy with their Visit to Manavata and Rejovinated, relaxed here after having organic breakfast here.. They said, it’s very difficult to get such pure nutritious food and fresh green environment in anywhere in where in the world. Said that Manavata UFH model to be replicated across the country
Sri Balakrishna Guruswamy who has been doing Gomatha Padayatra to save cows through out India and inspiring many villages, formers, temples etc.. He felt so happy after visiting here and he would like to come back here after his Pada YatraDr. Rakesh ,(Ayurvedic doctor inspired a lot after visiting UFH. He would like to work together to protect Gomatha and Bhoomatha

Joyful Arrival

On August 14, 2023, a heartwarming event unfolded at the Manavata UFH Goshala. A new life entered the world as a little gomatha (cow) was born. Both the mother and calf are thriving in the embrace of nature, radiating vitality and health. This beautiful moment encapsulates the harmony of life at its purest, where the nurturing touch of Mother Nature ensures the well-being of all her children.

Youth Program held at Kottakota Vivekananda College

Cultivating True Independence and Inspiring Leadership: Youth Program at Kottakota Vivekananda College
The Youth Program held at Kottakota Vivekananda College on Independence Day was a stirring platform for channeling the spirit of freedom and empowerment among the young minds of the nation. The session, led by Srini Manavata, delved into profound insights that redefine independence as self-reliance and the capacity to uplift others. The imperative role of today’s youth in addressing India’s critical challenges such as drug addiction, corruption, and farmers’ issues was highlighted as a key avenue to achieve real progress.
Key Points Explored in Srini Manavata’s Session:
Reimagining Independence: Self-reliance and Social Impact:The session emphasized that true independence encompasses both individual self-reliance and the collective ability to contribute positively to society. It urged the youth to take on leadership roles in tackling pressing issues like drug addiction, corruption, and the challenges faced by our farmers.Embracing Core Values Encapsulated in the National Flag:The session elaborated on the significance of the 24 core values of India represented by the Ashok Dharma Chakra on the national flag. These values are a compass for ethical living and a guide to navigating life’s complexities with integrity and compassion.
Harnessing the Power of Mind and Self-discipline:
One of the pivotal messages shared was the importance of training the mind and mastering one’s senses. This can be achieved through daily practices of Sadhana (spiritual practice), Seva (selfless service), and Swadhyaya (self-study). These three pillars were underscored as crucial tools, especially for the youth, to navigate the challenging phases of adolescence and early adulthood. Drawing Inspiration from Visionaries and Leaders:
The legacy of Swami Vivekananda served as a powerful catalyst for inspiring the youth towards greatness. The sacrifices and contributions of leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Bhagat Singh were highlighted, underscoring the collective responsibility to honor their sacrifices by fostering true independence and righteousness in the nation.
The Youth Program at Kottakota Vivekananda College ignited the spark of introspection and empowerment among the young attendees. Srini Manavata’s insights resonated deeply, urging the youth to embody self-reliance, lead by example, and address the nation’s most pressing issues. By internalizing the 24 core values and dedicating themselves to daily practices of Sadhana, Seva, and Swadhyaya, the youth were inspired to uphold the legacy of great leaders and contribute to a more independent and just India

Manavata Samskara vidya program in Mahabubnagar

Nurturing Humanity: Manava Samskara Vidya Program in Mahabubnagar

On August 18, 2023, the impactful Manava Samskara Vidya Program took place at Z.P. Boys High School, Jadcherla. Guided by the visionary founder and president of Manavata, Srinivas Alluri Garu, this event resonated deeply, fostering essential values for a better world. Humanity thrives through such endeavors.In embracing the spirit of seva, these individuals not only learned the art of teaching but also the art of being compassionate global citizens. Their retreat became a canvas where knowledge met empathy, resulting in a more profound and transformative experience.”

EyeMedical camp in Manavata Ashram Lolla

A free ophthalmology camp was organized in Lolla village on Sunday. Ophthalmologist V. Raju conducted ophthalmology examinations at the local Vishwamanavata Ashram under the guidance of founder president of Vishwamana Vata Alluri Srinivasa Chaudhary. Also yoga guru Nagalakshmi explained about yoga therapy, homeopathy, Ayurveda and nature therapies. Also, homeopaths Veeranjaneyu, Satyanarayana and Sathyavani provided homeomedical services. 90 patients were given free homeopathic medicine.

This camp wasn’t just about eye care; it was a convergence of medical expertise, holistic practices, and a community’s well-being. As the camp concluded, it left behind not only clearer vision but also an illuminated path towards holistic health and unity within the community.”


Manavata Ashram, Lolla (20/8/2023):

Annasamaradhana (Organic lunch distribution to children and patients who has attended for today’s camp.

Everyone learnt about Sativic & Healthy food practically. every child also learnt about importance of food and not to waste food.


Manavata Ashram, children events, Gita Slokas competition, Vemana padyalu, drawing on Indian Independence theme.

47 slokas children recited without looking at book.

Manavata Samskara vidya leadership given to these children to share value education to others in their schools.


Today in Lolla village I com free eye tests Yoga drawing photos Bhagavadgita various programs were conducted for homeopathy students winning students medals and certificates.were given as a part of this program Srinivas sir’s homeopathy patients with students Health is great wealth if we maintain health we can conquer everything the responsibility to maintain health About eggs, especially the food we eat Crop is our cooking is very good for our health. Also, students were taught many good things to go ahead in all programs in their studies. Every moment he thinks about everyone with humanity and takes all precautions. Nowadays, there are very few people who promote goodness. We are very lucky to have such a great person in our Lolla village. All the world is sukhinobhavantu, Sarvejana is sukhinabhavantu🙏🙏

Humanavata Volunteers, Rayavaram

Manavata Health & medical camp at Angara village

The Manavata Health & Medical Camp held at Angara village was a resounding success. Approximately 100 patients received comprehensive holistic treatment, embracing Yoga therapy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, personalized diets, and meditation.

The collaboration of dedicated individuals enriched this endeavor. Dr. Ramarao garu, Nagalakshmi garu, Nemani Srinivas garu, alongside local volunteers, united their efforts to serve the community.

Remarkably, the camp extended its healing touch to even critical cases, including those grappling with mental health issues. This compassionate outreach epitomized the spirit of Manavata, leaving a profound impact on Angara village.

Life skills and self reliance for kids

Empowering Kids for Life: Manavata Ashram’s Success in Self-Reliance Training

At Manavata Ashram, Lolla, our commitment to nurturing the next generation’s self-reliance and life skills is making waves. Our engaging program equips kids with essential tools for a successful future. From effective communication to practical skills like cooking and gardening, we’re shaping confident, independent individuals. Join us as we empower kids to thrive in a dynamic world.

Healthy living camp in mamidada

With the support of Vishwa Manavata Sanstha, President Sri Alluri Srinivasa Choudhary garu orchestrated impactful programs in Mamidada village. These initiatives included vital yoga and personality development training for students, fostering holistic growth. Additionally, an awareness drive promoting healthy living was tailored for adults, contributing to the community’s well-being.

Nagalakshmi from Hyderabad, a seasoned yoga therapist, played a pivotal role. She delivered transformative yoga therapy training to divyanga (differently-abled) children at the Bhavita School. This collaborative effort encapsulated Vishwa Manavata Sanstha’s commitment to holistic development and compassionate outreach.

Health camp in Bikkavolu

Manavata Bikkavalu centre, hosted special health awareness (Yoga, Dinacharya, Diet, Ayurveda & homeopathy medical service) camp.Many critical cases also could get benefitted with this holistic camp.around 75 patients attendedSri Srinivas Alluri garu taught and inspired people to make a change in their Dinacharya (life style) in order to cure problems and gain complete health. he has explained Yoga Sutras and Ayurveda Health Sutras which are most important for everyone’s life.He has also taken feedback from patients for the regular treatment they are taking in this center. specifically some patients expressed their happiness and explained how they could save their life after taking medicine in Manavata Health center.appreciated Dr. Veerabhadra rao garu who is serving in this camp, and Sri Valluri Ramachandra rao garu who is has been organizing and coordinating Manavata biccavolu center.Nagalakshmi garu has taken special therapy session for Asthma patients.Volunteers Mahalakshmi, Bhuvana and other served in this camp.

Manavata Ashram Yoga mantapam inauguration

We are happy to announce that the Manavata Ashram Yoga mantapam was inaugurated today morning with a puja ceremony. This is a great achievement for our ashram and our community, as it will provide a space for learning and practicing yoga, samskara vidya and karma yoga. We hope that this will inspire and benefit many people, especially the younger generations, to follow the path of selfless service and spiritual growth.

Yoga program in Borabanda Girl children gurukul

Embracing the Essence of Raksha Bandhan with Manavata’s Yoga Program at the Borabanda Girl Children Gurukul! 🌼🧘‍♀️

This Raksha Bandhan, Manavata celebrated the timeless bond of siblings at the Borabanda Girl Children Gurukul through a unique avenue – the gift of protection through yoga techniques and the values of our glorious Indian Vedic culture. 🎁🌟

As the sacred threads of Rakhi were tied, they also represented the threads of unity, care, and strength that bind siblings together. The Manavata Yoga program seamlessly integrated these sentiments, promoting physical and mental well-being through yoga while also imparting the wisdom of our Vedic heritage.


Homeopathy Camp at Bikkavolu

🙏 On August 2, 2023, a blossoming event unfolded as the Viswamanavata Homoeo Camp took place in Bikkavolu. A total of 100 cases were attended to, including 5 new cases. Notably, the camp’s last case sheet was numbered 4731. The healing sessions spanned from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, led by the experienced Dr. Pvrao, with valuable support from Homoeo Assistant P. Dhurgaprasad from Samalkot. The camp stood as a beacon of wellness and care for the community. 💐🌹

Free Homeo medical at Ramalayam

Vishwa Humanity Organization’s Free Homeopathic Medical Camp at Ramalayam, Marripudi village, Rangampet Mandal was a resounding success! Thank you to all who joined us for this enriching healthcare initiative. Stay tuned for more events focused on your well-being.

Homeo medical camp in Erravaram Village

Vishwa Manavatha Sanstha’s compassionate effort brought healthcare to Erravaram village today, with a successful free medical camp. A total of 65 cases were treated, all under the dedicated care of Dr. P. Somasekhar garu. From 8 am to 1:30 pm, health and healing prevailed.

Free homeo medical camp at Srinam Datta Nadha Kshetra Dondapadu Eluru

Experience healing at the Free Homeo Medical Camp by Universal Humanitarian Organization, located at Srinam Datta Nadha Kshetra Dondapadu Eluru. Mark your calendars for the first Sunday of every month. In our recent camp, 76 patients were attended to, including 53 follow-up cases and 23 new cases, demonstrating our commitment to comprehensive care. Under the expertise of Dr. N. Rama Rao (9:30 AM to 5:20 PM), along with the assistance of Posi Prasanna and volunteer S. Prasad garu, the event unfolded seamlessly. Your well-being is our priority.

Free homeo medical camp at S.Town

Vishwa Humanity Organization’s Free Homeo Medical Camp in S. Town was a resounding success, bringing health and healing to the community. Your well-being is our mission.

Free homeo medical camp in Thondangi Mandal Kotha Perumallapuram

Sri Kanakadurga Ammavari temple in Thondangi Mandal’s Kotha Perumallapuram village, a heartwarming scene unfolds – a Free Homeo Medical Camp orchestrated by the “World Humanity Organization.”Dedicated to the community’s well-being, the camp brings healing and hope to all who attend. Esteemed practitioners, Dr. Ramavarapu Satyanarayana garu from Kakinada and Dr. PV Rao from Samarlakota, lead the charge, offering their expertise and care. Assisting them is Homeo enthusiast P. Durga Prasad, also from Samarlakota.

Manavata homeo weekly camp held at biccavolu

Viswa Manavata Homeo Weekly Camp in Biccavolu. With 104 cases addressed and 13 new cases attended to, this initiative reflects our commitment to holistic well-being. From dawn till dusk, 9 AM to 5 PM, healing prevailed. As the last case sheet numbered 4744, the day bore testament to our enduring dedication to serve.

Free Homeo medical camp at Alamuru

Free Homeopathy Medical Camp hosted at the serene premises of Sai Baba Temple in Alamuru, Konaseema District. With the support of our dedicated team and the gracious presence of the local community, we were able to provide much-needed holistic healthcare to those in need. This event exemplifies our commitment to promoting well-being and serving our community.

Homeo medical camp at Lolla

“Successful Launch of Manavata Homoeopathy Health Center at Lolla Manavata Ashram – Promoting Wellness with Care.”As the center’s doors swung open, a new chapter began – one dedicated to nurturing health, enriching lives, and fostering a sense of well-being that extends beyond the physical. This launch radiates with the promise of a healthier and happier tomorrow, where care is at the heart of every endeavor.

Free homeo medical camp at Pedapalem

“Empowering Health: Successful Free Homeo Medical Camp by Vishwa Manavatha Sanstha at Pedapalem (Narayanapuram) on Every Second Sunday.”

Free homeo medical camp at Kurmapuram

Successful Homeopathy Medical Camp
Manavata Health Center, Kurmapuram
August 15, 2023

Led by Dr. P. Tirupathiamma (Dr. P. Lokanadh), the Homeopathy Medical Camp at Manavata Health Center was a resounding success. With 53 old patients benefiting from expert care, the event showcased the center’s commitment to holistic well-being.

Free Homeo medical camp in Gangavaram

The recently concluded Manavata Free Homeopathy Medical Camp in Gangavaram was a resounding success. Participants not only benefited from the expert homeopathic care but also enjoyed a rejuvenating Yoga therapy workshop conducted by the dedicated Manavata volunteer, Nagalakshmi Garu. Stay tuned for more empowering health initiatives and workshops.

Free homoeo camp held at kottha perumallapuram

Triumphant Viswamanavata Free Homoeo Camp at Kottha Perumallapuram

A resounding success marked the Viswamanavata Free Homoeopathy Camp held at the serene Durgamma Temple in Thondangi Mandal, Kottha Perumallapuram. This empowering health event left a positive impact, reflecting the commitment to holistic well-being. Stay tuned for more transformative initiatives.

Free Homeo medical camp in Bikkavolu

Date: August 23, 2023
Day: Wednesday
Location: Bikkavolu Mandal, Bikkavolu Village

In a true testament to compassion in action, theWorldHumanitarianOrganization orchestrated a highly successful free homeopathic medical camp on August 23, 2023. Held at the Homeo Health Hospital in the serene Bikkavolu Village, this event illuminated the path to better health and humanity.

Volunteering Opportunities:

At Manavata, we believe that volunteering is a powerful way to contribute to society. We welcome individuals of all ages and backgrounds to join our diverse team of volunteers. Whether you have a few hours to spare or want to commit to a long-term engagement, there’s a role for you:

  • Teaching at our schools and mentoring students.
  • Assisting in healthcare camps and providing medical aid.
  • Participating in environmental initiatives and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Organizing fundraising events and awareness campaigns.
  • And much more!

To become a Manavata volunteer and make a meaningful impact, 

Get Involved:

You can be a part of Manavata’s journey in making a positive change. Join our team of volunteers, support our projects, or contribute your skills and expertise to help us create a better world for all.

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Never miss an update from Manavata! Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest news and stories straight to your inbox each month. Stay connected with us on social media to get real-time updates on our initiatives and upcoming events.

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For any inquiries or to learn more about our projects, please feel free to reach out to us:

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