Yogathon 2016 Hyderabad is on 20th Feb

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Manavata has been organizing Yoga, healthy living and personality development workshops across the globe and working with thousands of professionals and students as part of it’s mission.

Yogathon (108 Suryanamakar competitions) is one of the key events which helps all age groups to inspire themselves and experience synergy within the event. This event also inspires everyone to increase their confidence, fitness and inspire them towards health and self-lessness”.

Time: 6am to 9am 20th Feb 2016

​Venue: JNTU grounds, KPHB, Hyderabad

Register: 9966673111 or online or email:

For more details and register online

About Speakers:

Mr. Srinivasa Alluri, founder of Manavata, True Yoga Practitioner, Limca book record holder for his 11350KM cycle ride from London to Delhi ( and 9000KM cycling around India and currently in Hyderabad and voluntarily conducting healthy and yoga camps. Around 27000KM of cycling for humanity in 18 countries has inspired millions of people. We believe that your children also can great inspiration with this event. He is true practitioner of Yoga for past 25 years and taught Yoga and healthy living to thousands of people across the globe.

Dr. K. V. Ramachandra rao, Naturopathy expert and humanitarian who is inspiring thousands of people towards healthy living.

Mr. MCV Prasad, Natural farming expert and humanitarian who is motivating people towards eco-friendly practices.

Dr. Anil Kumar, MDNIY National co-ordinator and S-Vyasa University. Who has worked with Vividanakda Kendra, Kanyakumari full time volunteer and has been doing wonderful service for humanity by spreading Yoga and health awareness.

Mr. Jayraj, a great poet, Praja kavi, who writes all his songs and poems on Nature and Humanity. He is inspiring young generations towards social consciousness through his poetry and singing.

About Surya Namaskar: (The Sun Salutation) are very effective when you practice with concentration and very effective warm-up and recharge for the body.

It is a graceful sequence of twelve positions performed as one continuous exercise. Each position counteracts the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing. Practiced daily it will bring great flexibility to your spine and joints and trim your waist. It limbers up the whole body in preparation for the Asanas.


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