Manavata Free Yoga Classes & Homeopathy Medical Camp in Bikkavolu

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Yoga classes & Homeopathy medical camp had conducted by Manavata Organisation on 21st November 2018 at Bikkavolu. Srinivar Alluri said   in his speech” By practising yoga helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul.It brings physical and mental together disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind and also it helps in managing our stress levels and anxiety and keeps us calm”.

After Yoga Session Srinivas Alluri thought them how to maintain a good health diet daily through which we can get more healthy.Later they conducted Homeopathy medical camp of Manavata Organisation doctors made checkup’s to the patient’s and distributed medicines to the people.In this camp bikkavolu  Manavata Organisation members Sri RamaChandra Rao, Janga Venkateswaraya, Satyanarayana Reddy, Nukkaraju and others participated in this program.

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