Manavata Health Workshop for Pregnant Women Rayavaram

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Today Manavata Health workshop for pregnant women conducted in Rayavaram PHC. Dr. GSN reddy garu, Dr. Chandini kumar garu, Sri Phani krishna reddy garu, Bhavani garu, PHC staff and local volunteers joined this workshop lead by our founder Sri Srinivasa Alluri garu. He has converted healthy diet, nutrition, Pregnancy Yoga, exercises, holistic health aspects which includes mental health and spiritual health.
practice of Pranayama, spending time with gardening and book reading and self-less service should be part of regular life to keep yourself happy.

Srinivasa Alluri has explained them about importance and greatness of motherhood and pregnancy. he said, giving birth to a child is most important and greatest work in the world. it is important duty of women to give a healthy child with great attitude. for that purpose in the 9 months of pregnancy every women most maintain healthy diet, avoid junk, inspirational book reading. he asked all of them to leave fear, anger / hatred, lust and jealous in order to gain complete health, happiness and harmony in life. he has explained about, women leadership at home is important to make home healthy. so women must change and adopt healthy life style.

PHC doctors and staff thanked for this practical workshop along with organic healthy food. everyone felt so happy for the organic food and inspirational workshop along with wonderful book.

Dr. Chandini kumar said, it is very impressive to see Manavata’s inspirational self-less service for women empowerment and holistic health care of child and mother.

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